IWbsField Interface

Represents a general WBS field - definition and formatting.
Public Interface IWbsField
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public interface IWbsField
This language is not supported or no code example is available.
Name Description
Public property BreakdownInfo Gets the break down info if the Kind property is set to WbsFieldKind.BreakdownField.
Public property Comment Gets or sets the comment of the field.
Public property ConditionalFormula Gets or sets the conditional formula of the field.
Public property DataType Gets or sets the data type of the field. It's relevant only for free fields. You can also read it for native and special fields.
Public property DisplayContext Gets or sets a context in which the field displaying (not editing) is possible. Naturally, if a context is allowed for editing, it's also allowed for displaying, so if the corresponding flag in EditContext is set, it takes precedence.
Public property DistributionQuantityField Gets or sets the distribution quantity WBS field of this field. Only applicable to distribution fields, i.e. if their Kind property is set to WbsFieldKind.DistributionField.
Public property DistributionSourceField Gets or sets the distribution source WBS field of this field. Only applicable to distribution fields, i.e. if their Kind property is set to WbsFieldKind.DistributionField.
Public property EditAllowed Gets a value indicating whether the field can be set as editable in some context.
Public property EditContext Gets or sets a context in which the field editing (entry) is possible. Naturally, if a context is allowed for editing, it's also allowed for displaying and the corresponding flag is not necessary in DisplayContext property.
Public property FieldName Gets or sets the name of the field in the current language.
Public property FieldNameMultilingual Gets the name of the field in the multi-language format. Can be used for reading and editing.
Public property Formatting Gets the column formatting info of the field. The formatting is user specific. It describes how the field is displayed in the Expanded WBS sheet.
Public property Formula Gets or sets the formula of the field (in the en-US format and with '=' prefix).
Public property HasFormula Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field has a formula.
Public property Instructions Gets the instructions (flags) of the field.
Public property IsMulticolumnBreakdownMasterField Gets a value indicating whether this instance is a master breakdown field with multiple columns.
Public property IsSynchronizedWhenLinked Gets or sets a value indicating whether the field value is propagated in linked tasks.
Public property IsTotalField Gets a value indicating whether this field contains some Total data.
Public property Kind Gets a kind of a the field.
Public property Mnemonic Gets or sets the mnemonic of the field. This is a unique identifier that is editable by user.
Public property NumericID Gets a numeric ID that uniquely identifies the field.
Public property ProgressField Gets or sets the progress field to which this field refers. Only applicable to progress fields, i.e. if their Kind property is set to WbsFieldKind.ProgressFieldReference.
Public property ProgressStatement Gets or sets a progress statement number, if this field refers to a value of another field at a specific progress statement. Only applicable to progress fields, i.e. if their Kind property is set to WbsFieldKind.ProgressFieldReference.
Public property ReturnValueToQuantityOfEstimate Gets or sets a value indicating whether the return value of this field, calculated by a formula, will be placed in the 'Quantity' field of the estimate.
Public property ReturnValueToQuantityOfProgress Gets or sets a value indicating whether the return value of this field, calculated by a formula, will be placed in the 'Quantity' field of the progress.
Public property ShowInTotals Gets or sets the 'Show in totals' value of the field.
Public property SubHeader Gets or sets the sub-header text of the field in the current language.
Public property SubHeaderMultilingual Gets or sets the sub-header text of the field in the multi-language format. Can be used for reading and editing.
Public property VisibleInEstimate Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field is visible in 'Estimate' mode.
Public property VisibleInProgress Gets or sets a value indicating whether this field is visible in 'Progress statement' mode.
Name Description
Public method FieldDefinitionEquals(IWbsField) Determines whether the specified field definition (not formatting) is equal to one of the current field.

When you set properties of this class, the values are validated and modified accordingly. Since they depend one on each other, a change to a single property may cause an automatic modification of other properties.

This is just a data storage class. Any changes in the properties are not automatically written to an estimate. To apply any changes, you need to call methods of the IWbsFieldsRepository class.

Breakdown fields

If a WBS field is of kind WbsFieldKind.BreakdownField, there are two possibilities. It may be a master breakdown field or a discrete value breakdown field.

A a master breakdown field is of kind WbsBreakdownFieldKind.MasterBreakdownField which contains full breakdown definition and one or more breakdown discrete values.

Each such a discrete value is represented by a standalone virtual breakdown field with breakdown info of kind WbsBreakdownFieldKind.DiscreteValueColumn. The field itself is of WbsFieldKind.BreakdownField kind. It has its own unique numeric ID. It is unique across all normal fields and virtual fields in the repository. It can be used in formulas to reference particular column of a breakdown field, if it has multiple columns.

There are two main reasons why discrete values (sub-columns) are represented by standalone field objects:

  1. A standalone field with its own numeric ID and mnemonic can be used in formulas to reference particular column of a breakdown field, if it has multiple columns.
  2. Each discrete value column can have its own custom formatting and subheader, independent of the master field.
Available since QDV 7.18.655.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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