Changes and enhancements are listed below from the most recent to the

6.16.073 (issued
June 14th, 2012)
Adaptation to
This version extends
databases capabilities and brings some new features to the report
generator. I supports
Windows 7 better than the previous version by using a new installer.
6.14.072 (issued
July 1st, 2011)
Support for Windows 7
and Office 2010
This version provides,
among several enhancements, the ability to install properly under
Windows 7 and supports Excel 2010.
6.13.071 (issued
August 17th, 2010)
Bug fixed in
The latest version
displayed nomenclatures with one article on each row. It didn't
collapse rows when articles are strictly identical. That was a
specific function of the Enterprise Edition brought by mistake to
the Free Edition. The bug has been fixed and nomenclatures are
always displayed with identical articles in one row only.
6.13.070 (issued
August 7th, 2010)
Adaptations to
Windows 7
This new version brings
adaptations to Windows 7 and several enhancement in the minutes and
report generator, particularly regarding translation and
multi-languages issues. It brings also a new language in the
interface: Dutch.
6.12.069 (issued
May 23rd, 2010)
Find / Replace
functions in the detailed view
The 'Find' function of
the detailed view has been extended to provide same features as the
Enterprise Edition. You can now search text or values in any field
and replace selectively.
6.9.066 (issued
September 15th, 2008)
Support for
Databases Certificates
For training purposes
in the framework of education, we can deliver certificates that,
once installed on the computer, allow free access to public
manufacturer databases proposed by iaes-software.com and quick-devis.com
web sites. These databases are accessible from the 'Web Databases'
and 'URLs' functions of the 'Data' menu. Just contact us if you need
this additional feature
mailto:support@quick-devis.net. Please note that existing
databases are in French and their amounts are given in Euros at this
Without certificate you
can access databases anyway but the demo mode will be activated
meaning that only one article out of ten is available.
6.9.065 (issued
June 23rd, 2008)
translation of the variables
The management variable
names are now automatically translated when you open an estimate on
a foreign version of Quick Devis. Meaning you can build reports in
any language and use them with any version.
Sum of the
quantities in the 'Summary' function
The sum of the
quantities was appended to the sum of amounts and times in the
'Summary' function.
Selection of the
level of the sub-totals in the reports generator
A list box lets you set
the depth level of the branches you want to display in the report
generator. So that you do not have to set them manually.
6.9.064 (issued
March 4th, 2008)
Can run English
version with any locale
The English version of
Quick Devis was modified so that it can run on Unicode systems
(Asian languages, Arabic, Hebrew…). It should be noted that a
Chinese version is also available.
Storage of the
“folding” levels in the reports generator
Clicking the button
‘configuration of tree structure’ in the reports generator, you can
now define a “folding” level of the branches. These levels are
stored in the reports.
Can select databases
with the “Update rows” function
Invoking the “Update
rows” function from the detailed view, you can now select the
database from which the rows have to be updated.
Multiple pages in
reports’ headers
You can now insert
page-breaks in the header of the reports, just clicking the
appropriate button when you edit the header from the report
New Chinese version
Quick Devis free edition is now available in Chinese.
However, the coding of
this language implies different modes of storage within some files
(Unicode). So, in order to install Quick Devis in Chinese, you must
select a Chinese locale in your system’s control panel. To change
Quick Devis language, a full version must be installed, not a simple
More flexibility in
the nomenclatures
The ability of
selecting various rows in the nomenclature has been widely extended.
You can now select many different views of your articles using the
appropriate list box in the menu-bar |
6.8.062 (issued
September 17th, 2007)
The 'Update rows'
function which updates the selected lines of the detailed view with
data form the databases has been extended. You can now select the
databases from which you want to update the selection. |
In the tree view of the
article databases, a new filter based on the material kind is
available. You can sort your databases using this criteria. |
The status of branches
(collapsed / expanded ) in the report generator is now stored in the
report itself so that you can choose a branch level and keep it
available for any estimate. |
A problem using drag
and drop operations has been solved: When you dragged articles from
a database to an estimate, if the mouse cursor was just on the
inserting line, the operation failed. It works now whatever the
position of the mouse cursor. |
Quick Devis Free
Edition is now available in Chinese. To install it you must set the
locale to Chinese and install a full version of Quick Devis Free
Edition, not a patch. See
http://www.quick-devis.net/cn/cn.htm. English, French, German,
Italian, Spanish and Portuguese versions are also available. |
Correction in the
printing functions of the report generator: When you printed through
Excel using the appropriate button, the destination printer was not
always the one you selected. This problem has been solved. |
6.8.060 (issued
May 27th, 2007)
This version brings
better compatibility with Windows Vista. It adapts to the thick
borders displayed by Vista's default themes and dot not require full
admin rights anymore. |
Within the 'Organize'
tab, you can now delete tasks or entire branches. |
You can open a sample
estimate without running the wizard. Just click the appropriate
function in the '?' menu. |
6.8.059 (issued
January 27th, 2007)
The registration of the
software components in the registry database has been modified because the program could slow down when connected to some
networks running antivirus programs. This version fixes this
problem. |
6.8.058 (issued
January 3rd, 2007)
The ability of the
report generator in handling settings of the printers has been
extended. You can now configure the printers through their own
drivers and store these settings in your reports. Some features were
added to the report generator. |
The Italian version has
been modified. The translation is different and some keywords have
been adjusted to match the usual technical language. The
documentation has changed also ; you can upgrade your documentation
by pressing the F1 key under Quick Devis while connected. You can
also download the paper documentation using the appropriate function
of the '?' menu. |
6.8.057 (issued
November 6th, 2006)
Now, you don't have to
worry about the location of you .DOT files when building mails and
invoices linked with Quick Devis. The program manages the merging
process by itself and does not let Word do this task as it did in
the pervious version. Now, the QDWORDFS.XLS file which links the
word document to you estimate is created in the temporary file and
no longer in the same directory as the document. You can move the
document in any location without having to change its merging link
because the .DOT document contains no macro. In order to benefit
from these new features, you must install Word 2000 or greater. |
The usage of the
configuration tools (Schneider Electric) becomes simpler ; now you
don't have to install the references database when installing a new
configuration tool. Quick Devis will automatically detect the new
data and convert them when launching the configuration tool. In
order to keep these tools compatible with old and new versions,
Quick Devis keep the old references in its database, even if these
references don't exist anymore in the configuration tools. The
program checks also if the languages match between the databases and
Quick Devis. |
6.7.056 (issued
October 8th, 2006)
A problem has occurred
in the previous version #55, due to the changes made in the program
to support the Chinese version; While calling some reports from the
report generator, it was sometimes impossible to load them. The
current release will solve this problem. |
6.7.055 (issued
October 6th, 2006)
You can now import
Microsoft Excel files or delimited text files (CSV) directly in the
detailed view. This new function enables the mapping of the columns
so that you can import any kind of file, whatever the arrangement of
its columns.
This new function will
be particularly useful to transfer and quote data coming from other
sources like CAD software. You can import references and quantities
and transform these data into full articles using the 'Update rows'
The upgrade process of
the configuration tools' databases has been extended. Now, the
rebates and the prices are updated at the same time using a common
Microsoft Excel file.
A new button appears
now at the right of the menu bar when you edit a database. If this
button is pressed, the articles of the database are identified using
their references only. You need to provide a reference for each
article of such a database. Use this mode to build easy to maintain
databases (you can change the description for example, since you
keep the reference identical, Quick Devis will always be able to
retrieve its articles).
If the button is
released (default), 5 fields are used to identify the articles
(Description, Reference, Family, User Field and Manufacturer) if one
of these field is modified in the database, Quick Devis wont be able
to update the corresponding article in the detailed view. Use this
mode to quickly build databases without having to provide a
reference for each article. |
6.7.054 (issued
July 1st, 2006)
You can delete the last
remaining task in a branch of the customer's view. It causes the
move of it's contents to the parent task.
You can copy partially
rows coming from a configuration tool even if you don't select the
whole configuration first. In such case, the rows wont be locked
when you'll paste them. Il you copy the whole configuration, you'll
get it locked when pasting. This new function will be useful to add
spare parts picked in the configuration.
In the reports
generator, a new function allow adding a page (or several pages) at
the bottom of the document. These new pages can be edited by
clicking the appropriate button and support any kind of formulation
exactly as page headers do. The are stored in the report file so
they are not linked to the estimate but to the report only. |
6.7.053 (issued
May 26th, 2006)
You can now lock your
reports within the report generator. While doing it, it'll
automatically hide the second toolbar so the user can only export or
print the report. You'll have to provide a password which is stored
in the report file itself to unlock it.
Some important changes
were made in the database management in order to enhance speed and
reliability. |
6.7.052 (issued
May 8th, 2006)
You can now drag
articles from a database and drop them directly to the customer's
view without having to open the detailed view first. The articles
will then be added to the detailed task, after the last row exactly
as if they were dropped within detailed rows.
When you install Quick
Devis Free Edition for the first time or you run the 'Configure an
estimate' function, a sample article database is automatically added
to the databases directory provided. |
6.7.051 (issued
April 7th, 2006)
When using Quick Devis
with Schneider Electric configuration tools (ASI Design, Premium
Design and Quantum Design), you can now call these tools by clicking
directly the 'Eye' button exactly as you do for an article database.
You can locate the cursor on any row in the configuration. |
6.7.050 (issued
April 1st, 2006)
The installation
program has been modified in order to conform better to the
Microsoft recommendations. Now you'll be prompted to select a
language only if the locale of your system cannot be detected. If
the program detects it, the system's language will be automatically
selected for the installation.
The patches (on line
upgrades) detect now automatically the installation directory and
the language used so you'll not have to provide them anymore. Note
that, for the current patch (6.7.050), you may have to provide these
data because the new features are not yet installed on your
If a patch prompts you
to select a language (because it cannot detect your system's
language), your selection will return the installation messages
language. This does not mean that the program language will be
changed: Now, you cannot change the program language by simply
installing a patch. You must reinstall a full version of the
software to do this. |
6.7.048 (issued
March 6th, 2006)
You can now manage your
customers list directly from Quick Devis Free Edition. Go to the
management tools and click 'Insert a customer'. Then, you'll get
some new buttons to delete, and modify your customers, you can also
add a customer manually without having to use it within an estimate.
Two new buttons let you import and export customers list from/to
Microsoft Excel. Microsoft Excel 97 or greater is required for this
The installation files
were increased by a large amount when Quick Devis was translated in
4 more languages (German, Italian, Spanish and Portuguese). In order
to allow on line upgrading by reducing file size, the PATCH files do
not contain the localized manuals anymore. If your manual is not up
to date, Quick Devis will inform you when you'll try to access the
on-line help ("?' menu). So you'll be automatically redirected to a
web page to download the last version of the manuals. This page lets
you select the language of the desired manual. |
6.7.047 (issued
February 21st, 2006)
The on line
documentation is now recorded using HTML format instead of Microsoft
Word format. I now opens within your default browser and Quick Devis
Free Edition does not install the Microsoft Word Viewer anymore. If
you wish a printable documentation, please use the appropriate menu
in the '?' menu.
The tab order in the
management tools has been changed to match a more comprehensive way.
The previous order was not as it could be expected to be.
A new message is posted
now if you attempt to record a new customer within the management
tools without providing its number.
As we always did for
the Enterprise Edition, this page will always report the changes or
enhancements made in Quick Devis Free Edition. You may consult it to
check if the upgrade worth the download time before upgrading. |
