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Released on June 3, 2019

Change: No message with currency mismatch in non-transparent mode

When using adjustable transparency mode to merge child estimates, currency mismatch test is no longer carried out because the file returned by the child to the parent always has EUR as master currency because it is built with the default QDV template when the child invokes ‘Create file for parent’.

In this mode, either ask children to provide their costs in a predefined currency or let them indicate the currency they used in a list provided by the parent as a shared column.

New: Import settings from non-transparent child estimates without password

When a parent creates a child estimate in non-transparent mode, the child has to load his own working environment from another estimate. But in many environments, only an administrator of the template estimate used to feed the child estimate can do this.

Now, when you open a child estimate, you’re invited to select a template estimate to load the working environment from it. You’re prevented from not loading the security items (user profiles, admin profiles, global variables, overhead workbook, etc.) so you end up with an estimate secured for your organization. Once working environment is loaded you are forced to close and reopen the estimate so the permissions of your organization are applied.

Change: Better compatibility with Excel and Word

You may have recently noticed some problem during the communication with Microsoft Office, some weird messages about Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.dll or Microsoft.Office.Interop.Word.dll. This is because new version of Windows badly support old communication system (Interop 11) which was used so far with QDV. We used this old version to ensure compatibility with Office 2003 and 2007 but hopefully, these versions are no longer used. So we decided to move to Interop 15 which is designed to be compatible with Office 2010, 2013, 2016, 2019 and 365 versions and offers better compatibility. However, we've not been able to test it with all Office versions so far so if you get an error message when editing under Excel, exporting to Excel or creating a Word document, please let us know ASAP.