Released on November 15, 2019
A new IEstimate.Sharing property was added. It replaces the older IEstimate.GetSharingUsers method, which still exists but is obsolete now. The new property returns the ISharing interface which contains several new methods:
•CreateChildEstimate … Creates a child estimate for the current parent estimate.
•ImportSharedEstimate … Imports a child estimate into the current parent estimate.
•CreateFileForParentEstimate … Creates a file for the parent estimate in non-transparency mode.
If there was an error while executing ComputeAll, for example sets were used in the Minutes but the file with the set DB was missing, it was reported as a dialog displayed. Now, no dialog will be displayed and the error is reported with an exception.
In the macro function 'Create Gantt' there were a bug when the functions was triggered from a child estimate.
We have changed the way 'Update rows' function works: it works now in memory which is much faster and at the very end it writes everything to the estimate at one. This means that, if the update fails in the middle, for a specific row and triggers an non-handled error, you get an error message and full changes are canceled meaning that now rows are updated at all because nothing is committed to the estimate. But normally all possible errors are handled and this should never happen.