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7.20.0009 - OFFICIAL http://www.iaes-software.com/downloads/Setup_QDV_7_20_9.exe

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Released on October 23, 2020

Fix: Errors during Check and repaint if there were invalid formulas in WBS fields

A WBS field definition can have formulas on multiple places. For example, in Formula, field name, sub-header and conditional formula. If such a formula was invalid due to a wrong syntax, e.g. 3+(3, various errors were reported, for example, when check and repaint was executed.

Bug fix: The user API - wrong values in IWbs.ColumnMappings and IWbs.GetFullData in some cases

The IWbs.ColumnMappings property contained wrong data types for progress fields from WBS and for fields from minutes. They were always marked as numeric. This had a consequence if such fields were textual in reality. In such a case, the IWbs.GetFullData method returned 0 as their value instead of the actual text.

Change: DefaultFolderForReports.inf

If you had no file DefaultFolderForReport.Inf in the installation folder of the application, default reports (samples) were displayed. Now when you don’t have such file, the list is kept empty.

Bug Fix: Nested articles in sets in the database of the estimate

In the database of the estimate, you can have this:


Where article C doesn’t belong to the set because you cannot create a set having a header coming from the database of the estimate. But of course, you make B a set containing C and have it seen as below:


Which is the correct way to structure sets in the database of the estimate. In the first screen shot below, you clearly see that the article C is not attached to the set because you have no vertical line between B and C.

Unfortunately, in the minutes, the set was taken into account as a whole set, including line C:


Leading to errors which were detected at computing time but quite hard to find because the location of the error was not in the message.

The problem is now solved, so when you use a set like SA above, you get A and B but C is ignored:


Bug Fix: Figures not immediately reflected on collapsed sets coming from the database of the estimate

When a set coming from the database of the estimate was collapsed in the minutes if displayed correct figures on sum columns but if when a change is brought to the set in the database of the estimate (adding or removing an article, etc.) the figures are not adapted immediately on the collapsed row. A Compute-all operation was requested to get correct figures.

The problem has been solved: N/A is displayed on the collapsed row after such a change and a simple Compute-Costs operation displays correct figures.