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Released on February 22, 2021

New: Can set display-depth in the Gantt diagram

You can set the displaying depth in the Gantt diagram as you would do in the WBS. Groups get automatically collapsed or expanded according to the selected level. Because, unlike the WBS, the Gantt diagram can handle more than 8 levels, a click on the 8th level displays all rows.

New: API extended for handling of overhead worksheets

The existing functionality was present in IWorksheetManager interface that was accessible only trough Context.QdvManager.WorksheetManager property.

A new IOverhead.WorksheetManager property was added so the user can find it more easily: Es.CurrentVersion.Overhead.WorksheetManager

The IWorksheetManager.GetOverheadSheetInformation method returns OverheadSheetInfo class which is now extended with new properties:

 . OverheadSheetInfo.Type - gets the detailed type of the overhead sheet.

 . OverheadSheetInfo.LastVisibleColumn - gets the last column visible in a sheet.

 . OverheadSheetInfo.Areas - gets the info (row numbers) for all sheet areas in the overhead worksheet.

This interface dramatically simplifies the browsing of native sheets. You won't have to read data in column IV (255) anymore.

Change: +/- signs in headers take the fore color of the cells

To enhance visibility, +/- signs used to collapse columns on top of WBS, minutes and nomenclatures now take the font color of their underlying cell.

Bug Fix: Estimate Versions - New Progress

With some estimates, function ‘New Progress’ in 'Versions' window failed with error: "DataColumn 'BOQPosOnScreen' missing for source column BOQPosOnScreen"

(in case there were some ‘empty positions in BoQ and also in Minutes to update)