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Released on November 2, 2022

New: 'Overall 100%' in WBS to BOQ distribution form

In the '% All' column, you can right click to carry out the calculation to reach overall 100%.

Change: Type of special fields locked in set databases and article databases

When you inserted a special field in a set database or in an article database, it was still possible to change the type of the field (numeric, date, text) and such a change could lead to unpredictable results because the type of such field is fixed in estimates. Now, changing the type of such fields is prohibited. If by mistake you manually changed the type of a special field in a database, the safest option is to delete the field and re-insert it using appropriate menu.

Bug Fix: Regression in a DLL

In the latest beta, the System.Runtime.CompilerServicesUnsafe.dll was deployed in version 4 instead of version 5 causing problems in application using previous versions of the API.