
Navigation:  7.23 (QDV 2023) >


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Released on April 4, 2023

Change: Conditional formatting removed in non-transparent child estimate

When you create a child estimate in non-transparency mode, QDV now removes all conditional formatting from the minute in the child. This is needed because a conditional formatting formula may reference a column which does not exist in the child estimate. The child estimate comes with a basic layout in non-transparency mode.

New: Create file for parent with all lines of the minutes

When a child, in non-transparency mode creates the file to feed his parent, he can now decide if he provides the parent with basic information as before or if he wants to provide him with the complete detail of the minute lines, including his comments.

By default (when you answer no) QDV behaves as before meaning that the parent is provided with only one line in each minute for each breakdown item requested by the parent.
