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Released on July 15, 2023

New: Support for multilingualism in the Set_Macro_Button

The QDV Main and Management Module fully supports the usual QDV syntax for defining the macro button name and tooltip. E.g.: {EN}English text{FR}Texte en français…

Change: WBS Variables declared in main node accessible in overhead minute and database of the estimate

The WBS Variables which are declared in the main node of the WBS (main node, top level) are now accessible in all minutes, including the overhead minute and the database of the estimate. For consistency QEval is also available in both overhead minute and database of the estimate where it always has the value of 1.


So, either in overhead minute and database of the estimate you get QEval, all variables being declared in main node of the WBS, all global variables starting by a dot and also Scenario_Name and Scenario_Column.