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Released on February 11, 2024

Change: Some previously prohibited fields are now allowed to be edited in child estimates

The minute fields that have entry allowed to “WBS only”, “WBS and Minutes” and “WBS with priority to minutes” can be edited in WBS. This was true in parent estimates. However, in child estimates, this was prohibited, if at least one parent branch of the currently edited task did not belong to the child owner. This is now allowed.

Bug fix: An exception in IAnalyticReporting.GetDataSource method (macros)

A stackoverflow exception was thrown when the IAnalyticReporting.GetDataSource method was called from a macro. This issue was introduced in QDV 7.23.1070.

Change: ToolsForExcel Gantt – More free columns are available

The number of free columns that the user can add to a Gantt worksheet has been increased from 5 to 20.

Change: ToolsForExcel Gantt – Confirmation for Gantt removal

Excel now asks for confirmation before removing the whole worksheet of a Gantt.

Change: ToolsForExcel Gantt – Allowed columns in formulas

The column holding the color is now allowed in the formulas of resources, like the quantity, the ratio, and the free columns.

Change: ToolsForExcel Gantt – Shift data in the planning

The user can now select more than one row to shift it/them in the Gantt period. Selecting branches instead of tasks, or including branches in the selection, even if it holds free rows, now shifts the selected data accordingly. It is still necessary to refresh the view however once the job is achieved.

Change: Button functions encoded in old format work now under new versions of QDV

The parameters of function buttons used in the overhead workbook or in other workbooks were stored in the TEXT property of each button, right after a Carriage Return. With the XLS format under Excel and also under QDV, the lines below the Carriage Return were not visible so that was fine.

But when we edit such a button under Excel with format XLSX we ended-up with some Carriage Return in the text and that broke the XLSX format because XLSX do not allow more than one line in the text of a button.

Now, we create a new worksheet in the workbook named QDV_Functions which is hidden and we store the parameters to it along with the unique ID of the button. This has been implemented 3 months ago. BTW, this also enable the translation of the button texts.

But, unfortunately there are more workbooks which can receive function buttons, not only the overhead workbook and it’s quite difficult to convert them all (can be in-row workbooks, in-task workbooks, set workbooks… and even external workbooks in XLS format that people may want to import)

So now, any workbook having button encoded in old-logic also displays fine and runs fine under QDV. Now, a button encoded in old format gets adapted to new format when one attempts to edit it. Also, when one attempts to edit under Excel, if the workbook contains old version buttons, they get converted into new format so that we don’t break the XLSX format.