QDAPI Namespace

Name Description
Public class ContextBOQ Provides the context information about the BoQ. It specifies the current selection.
Public class ContextMinutes Provides the context information about the minutes. It specifies the current selection.
Public class ContextNomenclatures Provides the context information about the nomenclatures. It specifies the current selection.
Public class ContextOverhead Provides the context information about the overhead. It specifies the current selection.
Public class ContextPlanner Provides the context information about the planner. It specifies the current selection.
Public class ContextReportGenerator Provides the context information about the report generator. It specifies the current selection.
Public class ContextSetInfo Provides the context information about the current set in a set database. It specifies the current selection.
Public class ContextWBS Provides the context information about the WBS. It specifies the current selection.
Name Description
Public enumeration CallingTabPage Specifies the tab page that is active when a macro or an event was invoked from the main QDV application.
Public enumeration IExportType Specifies the export type for a report.
Public enumeration ViewReportGenerator Specifies the view in the report generator.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

In this article
