WbsFieldValidationErrorKind Enumeration

Specifies a kind of a WBS field validation error. Useful for displaying localized messages.
Name Value Description
BreakdownByFieldDoesntExist 6 The 'Breakdown by' field points to a non existing field.
BreakdownCannotSetUseUnitAndAlsoShowTotals The UseUnit and ShowTotals cannot be set to True at the same time.
BreakdownDiscreteValueMissing At least 1 discrete breakdown value must be specified.
BreakdownDiscreteValueNotAllowed No discrete value may be specified if there's no 'Breakdown by' field.
BreakdownInvalidDiscreteValue Some specified value is not a valid breakdown value for the specified 'Breakdown by' field.
BreakdownMainFieldDoesntExist 5 The breakdown main field points to a non existing (or not eligible) field.
BreakdownMainFieldNotDefined 4 The breakdown main field is not defined.
BreakdownSingleColumnNotAllowedForNativeCurrency Cannot show single sum column for a native currency.
BreakdownWithNativeCurrencyNotPossible 7 The breakdown with a native currency field is not possible for the specified breakdown main field, which is not a currency field.
ConditionalFormulaContainsInvalidReference Conditional formula contains a reference to an invalid field.
ConditionalFormulaContainsInvalidReferenceToDeletedField Conditional formula contains a reference to a field to be deleted.
DisplayContextIsInvalid 3 The field display context is not valid.
DistributionQuantityFieldNotSpecified The distribution quantity field is not specified.
DistributionQuantityFieldPointsToInvalidField The distribution quantity field points to a non existing or invalid field.
DistributionSourceFieldNotSpecified The distribution source field is not specified.
DistributionSourceFieldPointsToInvalidField The distribution source field points to a non existing or invalid field.
EditContextCannotBeAllowed 1 The field cannot be allowed for editing (entry).
EditContextIsInvalid 2 The field editing context is not valid.
FormulaContainsInvalidReference Formula contains a reference to an invalid field.
FormulaContainsInvalidReferenceToDeletedField Formula contains a reference to a field to be deleted.
FormulaSyntaxIsWrong The formula has wrong syntax.
InvalidProgressStatement The progress statement number has invalid value. The allowed values are 1 and a number from the range -20 to -1.
InvalidShowInTotals The 'Show in totals' value is invalid.
InvalidSpecialFieldMnemonic The mnemonic of a special field is invalid.
InvalidSynchronizedWhenLinked The 'Synchronized when linked' cannot be Yes in this field.
MnemonicExistsInMinutesFields The mnemonic is not allowed for this WBS field, because a minute field with the same mnemonic exists and this WBS field is not a breakdown field that breaks down that minute field.
MnemonicIsEmpty The mnemonic of a field cannot be empty.
MnemonicIsNotAplhanumeric The mnemonic may contain only alphanumeric characters.
MnemonicIsNotUnique The mnemonic must be unique.
MnemonicStartsWithNumber The mnemonic cannot start with a number.
ProgressFieldNotSpecified The progress field is not specified.
ProgressFieldPointsToInvalidField The progress field points to a non existing or invalid field.
SpecialFieldDefinedMultipleTimes The same special field is already defined.
TooManyFields There are too many WBS fields or their breakdown sub-columns. The maximum usable column index in expanded WBS is 255 (which is 'IV').
Unspecified 0 The error kind is not specified.
Available since QDV 7.18.652.

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