Qdv.CommonApi Namespace

This namespace contains some common types used by QDV internally and by user API as well.
Name Description
Public class DomainSettings Contains settings for an Active Directory domain.
Public class FieldUpdateFailedException The exception that is thrown when applying changes to a minutes field fails.
Public class SetOfFieldsInformation Provides information about a set of fields.
Public class UserPrincipalInfo Encapsulates principals that are user accounts.
Public class WbsFieldValidationError Represents a WBS field validation error.
Name Description
Public structure FieldForQdvFldConfigFile Represents a field or other entity (a global variable or a range (sheet) from Overhead) in a data source. Used to read/write data from/to .QDVFldConfig files (that are files defining fields included in data-sources).
Name Description
Public enumeration ColumnHalign Specifies horizontal align of a column.
Public enumeration ColumnValign Specifies vertical align of a column.
Public enumeration EstimateTab The basic predefined main views (tabs) available for estimates.
Public enumeration FieldAllowedView Specifies the allowed view of a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldColumnType Specifies the column's type of a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldEntryAllowedView Specifies the view in which entry is allowed for a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldFormat Specifies the format of a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldIsPartOfKind Specifies the 'Is part of cost or selling price' value of a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldPlacementPosition Specifies the placement position of a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldReplaceWhenUpdatingKind Specifies the 'Replace when updating' value of a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldShowInTotalsKind Specifies the 'Show in totals' kind of a minutes or WBS field.
Public enumeration FieldShowRowsGroupedKind Specifies the 'Show rows grouped (collapsed)' kind of a minutes field.
Public enumeration FieldUserScope Specifies the user scope for an operation with a minutes or WBS field.
Public enumeration PeakCurveUnit Specifies a unit of the period for Peak curves.
Public enumeration ScenarioApplyToQuantityResult Specifies the result of the 'apply scenario to Quantity' operation.
Public enumeration SetOfFieldType The kind of a minute field or a set of fields.
Public enumeration SpecialFieldKind Specifies the kind of a special minutes field.
Public enumeration TimeFrameHeaderFormat Specifies how the timeframe headers are formatted.
Public enumeration TimeFramePeriodType The type of timeframe period.
Public enumeration TypeOfFldConfig Specifies the type of a 'field' in a data source.
Public enumeration TypeOfTimeFrameField The data type of timeframe set of fields that will be shown in the frame workbook.
Public enumeration WbsBreakdownFieldKind Specifies a kind of a WBS breakdown field more exactly.
Public enumeration WbsFieldAllowedContext Specifies a context in which show/edit is allowed for a WBS field.
Public enumeration WbsFieldDataType Specifies the data type of a WBS field.
Public enumeration WbsFieldKind Specifies a kind of a WBS field.
Public enumeration WbsFieldValidationErrorKind Specifies a kind of a WBS field validation error. Useful for displaying localized messages.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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