IManagementDatabaseCustomTable Interface

Represents a custom table in a management database. Custom tables are those defined by a user.
Public Interface IManagementDatabaseCustomTable 
Inherits IManagementDatabaseTable
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public interface IManagementDatabaseCustomTable : IManagementDatabaseTable
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Name Description
Public property ChildTable Gets the child table of this table.
Public property Columns Gets columns definitions of the table. (inherited from IManagementDatabaseTable).
Public property Database Gets the database which contains this table. (inherited from IManagementDatabaseTable).
Public property ID Gets the ID of this table. (inherited from IManagementDatabaseTable).
Public property IsEstimateTable Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an estimate table. (inherited from IManagementDatabaseTable).
Public property Name Gets the name of the table. (inherited from IManagementDatabaseTable).
Public property ParentTable Gets the parent table of this table.
Public property Rows Gets the collection of all rows in the table.
Name Description
Public method DeleteRow(string) Deletes a row from the table.
Public method GetAllRowGuids() Gets the list of GUIDs for all rows in the table.
Public method GetReadOnlyCopyOfWorkbook(WorkbookParameters) Gets the table workbook for read only purposes. (inherited from IManagementDatabaseTable).
Public method GetRow(string) Gets the row with specified GUID.
Public method GetRowsForParentRow(string) Gets all rows with the specified parent row in the parent table.
Public method InsertRow(string) Inserts one new row into the table.
Public method Save() Saves all modified estimates or rows in this table into the database. (inherited from IManagementDatabaseTable).
A management database contains exactly one estimate table and zero or more custom tables.

Custom tables allow to create a structured hierarchy of data with parent - child table relations. For example, let's have a parent table Companies whose rows are companies. This table has a child table called ContactPersons. The ContactPersons contains rows with person names where each row points to a row in the parent Companies table to define to which company the person belongs.

Available since QDV 7.14.520.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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