IManagementDatabaseTableRow Interface

Represents a row in a table in a custom management database.
public interface IManagementDatabaseTableRow
Name Description
Public property Guid Gets the unique GUID string of this row within entire management database.
Public property IsDirty Gets a value indicating whether this row was modified and not saved.
Public property ParentRowGuid Gets the GUID of the parent row in the parent table.
Public property Table Gets the table to which this row belongs.
Name Description
Public method GetFieldValue(string) Returns a value from a row cell.
Public method Save() Saves the row into the database.
Public method SetFieldValue(string, object) Writes a value to a row cell.
Public method ToDisplayString() Returns a single string representation of this row.
Available since QDV 7.14.520.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2