ErrorIDs Enumeration

Well known values for QdvApiException.Id property.
Name Value Description
AllIdentifierFieldsMustBeSet 25008 All identifier fields in a row or an estimate must be set in a table in a management database.
AtLeastOneColumnMnemonicRequired 11 One field mnemonic must be passed at least.
CannotAcquireDatabase 10870 Cannot acquire database.
CannotAddGanttItem 20014 Other error.
CannotAssignGanttTaskToWbs 20094 Cannot assign a Gantt task to WBS.
CannotCloseEstimate 405 Cannot close estimate.
CannotComputeAllFromMacro 10801 Cannot execute ComputeAll from macro.
CannotComputeCostsFromMacro 10806 Cannot execute ComputeCostsOnly from macro.
CannotCreateGlobalVariable 10844 Cannot create global variable.
CannotCreateNewTimeSheetAccordingToPlanner 10855 Cannot add and populate planner-like sheet.
CannotCreateNomenclatures 10820 Cannot create nomenclatures.
CannotCreateNomenclaturesBecauseTheyAreNotDisplayed 10983 Cannot create nomenclatures because they are not displayed.
CannotCreateTaskLink 11000 Cannot create link between two tasks.
CannotCreateWordDocument1 10604 Cannot create Word document.
CannotCreateWordDocument2 10605 Cannot create Word document.
CannotDeleteCurrencyOfEstimateRowInCurrencySheet 11010 Cannot delete the row containing the currency of the estimate in the Currency overhead sheet.
CannotDeleteEstimateInManagementDb 25022 Cannot delete an estimate in a table in a management database.
CannotDeleteGanttItem 20025 Cannot delete Gantt item.
CannotDeleteGanttItemInThisContext 20002 Cannot delete Gantt item in this context.
CannotDeleteGlobalVariable 10843 Cannot delete global variable.
CannotDeleteInOverheadSheetSelectedArea 11008 Cannot delete (rows) in the specified area in an overhead sheet. Mostly applies to a Cash data sheet.
CannotDeleteRowFromMinute 37 Cannot delete rows from minute.
CannotDeleteRowInManagementDb 25000 Cannot delete a row in a table in a management database.
CannotDisplayReport 10910 Cannot display report.
CannotEmptyGantt 20003 Cannot delete all Gantt tasks.
CannotExtractFileFromEstimate 212 Cannot extract file from estimate.
CannotExtractFileFromEstimateFileExists 211 Cannot extract file from estimate, the file already exists.
CannotExtractWordTemplate1 10606 Cannot extract a Word template.
CannotExtractWordTemplate2 10607 Cannot extract a Word template.
CannotFindArticle 10867 Couldn't find the specified article.
CannotForceSellingPrices 10810 Cannot force selling prices.
CannotGetAllGanttItems 20023 Cannot get Gantt items list.
CannotGetAnalyticReportingTools 10830 Cannot get analytic reporting tools.
CannotGetColumnMappingsForNomenclatures 10847 Cannot get column mappings for the nomenclatures.
CannotGetGanttItemFromIdentifier 20026 Cannot get Gantt item with specified identifier.
CannotGetGanttItemIdentifierAtPosition 20024 Cannot get Gantt item identifier from specified row number.
CannotGetIDsOfAllDistrbutionCurves 10852 Cannot get IDs of all distribution curves.
CannotGetLatestDatabaseInFolder 10862 Database path is invalid.
CannotGetListOfEmbeddedFiles 217 Cannot get list of embedded files.
CannotGetMinuteFieldsValues 10 Cannot get minute fields values.
CannotGetQdvTempFileName 10860 Cannot get QDV temp filename.
CannotGetReadOnlyCopyOfWorkbook 10835 Cannot get read-only copy of workbook.
CannotGetReportWorkbook 10839 Cannot get report workbook.
CannotGetSelectedGanttItems 20028 Cannot get Selected Gantt items list.
CannotGetWorkbook 10836 Cannot get workbook.
CannotGetWorkbookLock 10840 Cannot get a lock on workbook.
CannotGroupOrUngroupRows 11002 Cannot group or ungroup rows.
CannotInsert100RowsInCashSheet 11009 Cannot insert more than 100 rows at once in the cash-flow-data sheet.
CannotInsertArticleIntoMinute 10960 Cannot insert article into minute.
CannotInsertEstimateInManagementDb 25024 Cannot insert an estimate in a table in a management database.
CannotInsertInOverheadSheetSelectedArea 11007 Cannot insert (rows) in the selected area in an overhead sheet. Mostly applies to a Cash data sheet.
CannotInsertRowInManagementDb 25004 Cannot insert a row in a table in a management database.
CannotInsertRowsIntoMinute 36 Cannot insert rows into minute.
CannotInsertSetIntoMinute 10950 Cannot insert set into minute.
CannotMergeDataSources 10940 Cannot merge data sources.
CannotModifyFieldProperty 510 Couldn't modify a field property.
CannotOpenArticleDB 10865 Cannot open article database.
CannotOpenEstimateReadOnly 410 Cannot open estimate file in read-only mode.
CannotOpenEstimateReadWrite 411 Cannot open estimate file in read-write mode.
CannotParseDataFromSetImage 10970 Cannot parse data from set image.
CannotReadDBField 15000 Cannot read a field value in an article or set.
CannotReadFromManagementDatabase 400 Cannot read from management database.
CannotReadFromWbs 1 Cannot read from WBS.
CannotReadFromWbsInThisContext 2 Cannot read from WBS in this context.
CannotReadFromWbsRow 39 Cannot read from WBS row.
CannotReadGlobalVariable 10841 Cannot read global variable.
CannotReadGloballyFromWbsColumn 231 Cannot read globally from WBS column.
CannotReadManagementDbField 25010 Cannot read the value of a field in a table in a management database.
CannotReadReportFields 10900 Cannot read fields from report.
CannotReadReportOptions 10930 Cannot read options in report.
CannotReadWbsVariable 10982 Cannot read a WBS variable.
CannotRefreshOverheadSheets 10875 Cannot refresh Overhead sheets.
CannotRefreshWbsValidationLists 10858 Cannot refresh validation lists in WBS.
CannotRemoveFileFromEstimate 215 Cannot remove file from estimate.
CannotSaveEstimateInManagementDb 25016 Cannot save an estimate in a table in a management database.
CannotSaveEstimateToDisk 402 Cannot save estimate to disk.
CannotSaveRowInManagementDb 25006 Cannot save a row in a table in a management database.
CannotSetCalculationMode 10816 Cannot set calculation mode.
CannotSetEstimateNumberInManagementDb 25020 The estimate number cannot be set in the management database, for example, if numbering rules are applied.
CannotSetEstimateOption 10890 Cannot set the value of an estimate option.
CannotSetFieldVisibility 500 Couldn't set a field visibility.
CannotSetGlobalVariable 10842 Cannot set global variable.
CannotSetMinuteFieldValueUponCriteria 34 Cannot SetMinuteFieldValueUponCriteria.
CannotSetOverheadSheetNbOfRows 11006 Cannot set number of rows in an overhead sheet.
CannotSetStimulsoftUiLanguage 10920 Cannot set the language for Stimulsoft UI.
CannotSetTargetValueFlag 10848 Cannot set target value flag.
CannotSetValueGloballyToWbsColumn 23 Cannot set value globally to WBS column.
CannotSetVatRate 187 Cannot set VAT rate.
CannotSetWbsVariable 10980 Cannot set a WBS variable.
CannotSplitValueAccordingToDistributionCurve 10850 Cannot split value according to a distribution curve.
CannotStoreFileToEstimate 214 Cannot store a file to an estimate.
CannotStoreFileToEstimateFileDoesntExist 213 The file to be stored doesn't exist.
CannotStoreFileToEstimateWrongFileId 223 The file ID must have 32 Hex characters.
CannotUpdateMinuteValues 10700 Cannot update minute values.
CannotUpdateRowsFromDatabases 167 Cannot update rows from databases.
CannotUpdateSetsFromDatabases 170 Cannot update sets in the estimate from databases.
CannotUpdateWholeEstimateFromDatabases 166 Cannot update rows from databases in whole estimate.
CannotWriteColumnTitle 18 Cannot write column title to WBS.
CannotWriteDBField 15000 Cannot write a field value in an article or set.
CannotWriteFromManagementDatabase 401 Cannot write to management database.
CannotWriteGloballyToWbsColumn 232 Cannot write globally to WBS column.
CannotWriteItemToGanttDiagram 20027 Cannot write to Gantt Item.
CannotWriteManagementDbField 25012 Cannot write the value of a field in a table in a management database.
CannotWriteSumToWbsColumn 24 Cannot write sum to WBS column.
CannotWriteToField 17 Cannot write to field.
CannotWriteToManagementDatabase CannotWriteFromManagementDatabase Cannot write to management database.
CannotWriteToProtectedFields 15 Cannot write to protected fields of the WBS.
CannotWriteToReservedWbsColumns 13 Cannot write to reserved WBS columns.
CannotWriteToWbsInThisContext 12 Cannot write to WBS in this context.
CannotWriteToWbsRow 40 Cannot write to WBS row.
CannotWriteTreeItemToDb 10880 Cannot write or delete a tree item in a database.
ColumnDoesntExistInManagementDb 25014 The specified column doesn't exist in a table in a management database.
ColumnIdentifierDoesntExist 3 Column identifier doesn't exist in WBS.
ColumnNamesAreNotAllowed 403 Column names are not allowed.
ComputeAllMustBeCalledFromMacros 10800 ComputeAll must be called from macros.
ComputeCostsMustBeCalledFromMacros 10805 ComputeCostsOnly must be called from macros.
ConsistencyOfWbsLooksAltered 16 Consistency of WBS looks altered. Please repaint the WBS view!
CouldntCompressFiles 30100 Couldn't compress file(s) to a ZIP archive.
DatabasePathIsInvalid 10861 Database path is invalid.
DomainNotAccessible 30000 Domain is not accessible.
EstimateVersionIsNotEditable 10114 The estimate version is not editable.
EstimateVersioningNotEnabledInManagementDb 25026 The estimate versioning and time tracking is not enabled in a management database.
FailedToActivateVersion 10116 Failed to make the estimate version active.
FailedToCopyTask 10411 Failed to copy task or branch.
FailedToCreateNewSubTask 10408 Failed to create new sub-task.
FailedToCreateNewTask 10407 Failed to create new task.
FailedToCreateProgress1 10106 Failed to create a progress.
FailedToCreateProgress2 10107 Failed to create a progress.
FailedToCreateVersion1 10104 Failed to create a version.
FailedToCreateVersion2 10105 Failed to create a version.
FailedToDeleteTask 10409 Failed to delete task.
FailedToDeleteVersion 10112 Failed to delete the estimate version.
FailedToEmptyEstimate 10406 Failed to empty an estimate.
FailedToFreezeCurrentVersion1 10109 Failed to freeze the current version.
FailedToFreezeCurrentVersion2 10111 Failed to freeze the current version.
FailedToInsertColumnInWbs 10551 Failed to insert column in WBS.
FailedToMakeGroupsSets 10650 Failed to make groups sets.
FailedToPasteTask 10412 Failed to paste task or branch.
FailedToRemoveAllLinksToDatabaseOfTheEstimate1 10560 Failed to remove all links to the database of the estimate.
FailedToRemoveAllLinksToDatabaseOfTheEstimate2 10561 Failed to remove all links to the database of the estimate.
FailedToRemoveAllRowsHavingNoSellingPrice 10651 Failed to remove all rows having no selling price.
FailedToRemoveTotalModeEverywhere 10500 Failed to remove Total mode.
FailedToSetMinuteColumnFormula 10601 Failed to set formula to a minute column.
FailedToSetMinuteColumnVisibleMode 10559 Failed to set visible mode flags to minute column.
FailedToSetPermissionsOfWBSColumn 10552 Failed to set permissions to WBS column.
FailedToSetWBSColumnDescription 10553 Failed to set description to WBS column.
FailedToSetWBSColumnVisibility 10554 Failed to set visibility to WBS column
FailedToSetWbsColumnCopyToQuantityFlag 10558 Failed to set copy-to-quantity flag to WBS column.
FailedToSetWbsColumnVisibleMode 10600 Failed to set visible mode flags to WBS column.
ForceSellingPricesMustBeCalledFromMacros 10809 ForceSellingPrices must be called from macros.
GanttIsReadOnly 20005 Cannot write to Gantt diagram in this context (Gantt is read only).
InvalidEstimateNumberInManagementDb 25018 The estimate number is empty, invalid or it already exists in the management database.
MacroColumnWasNotFound 11012 The macro column was not found in the overhead sheet.
MergeDbOfEstimateDuplicateNewNames 27000 Duplicate new InternalArticleName(s) were found for 'Import with a new name' merge actions. Occurs during merging of DB of estimate.
MnemonicDoesntMatchValidColumnForRead 46 Mnemonic doesn't match a valid column which can be read from the estimate.
MnemonicDoesntMatchValidColumnForWrite 41 Mnemonic doesn't match a valid column which can be written to the estimate.
MustBeCalledFromOpenedEstimate 20004 The method was not called from an opened estimate.
NoGanttGroupWithIdentifier 20009 There's no Gantt group with the specified identifier.
NoGanttItemAtPosition 20022 No Gantt item found at specified row number.
NoGanttItemWithIdentifier 20013 There's no Gantt item with the specified identifier.
NoParentRowSpecified 25002 The parent row GUID was not specified and this table has a parent table in a management database.
OK 0 Success, no error.
OneFieldRequiredAtLeast 10868 One field must be provided at least.
OperationNotAllowedInSharedLists 11005 Action not allowed in an overhead sheet with a shared list from the parent estimate.
OverheadSheetWasNotFound 11011 The sheet in the overhead was not found.
ProblemInOverheadWorkbook 10837 A problem with processing an Overhead workbook.
ReferenceRequired 10869 Article reference must be provided.
RefreshWbsValidationListsMustBeCalledFromMacros 10859 RefreshValidationLists must be called from a macro or a request.
SetCalculationModeMustBeCalledFromMacros 10815 SetCalculationMode must be called from macros.
SharingCancelledByUser 26055 The creation of the child estimate has been cancelled by the user.
SharingCannotConnectToProMo 26008 Connection to ProMo+ not possible.
SharingCannotCreateChildWhenNoTasks 26018 The child estimate for the user could not be created because no tasks are assigned for this user.
SharingCannotCreateNonTrasnparentChildFromNonTransparent 26000 Cannot create a non-transparent child estimate from a non-transparent estimate! You can only create estimates in full transparency below a non-transparent estimate.
SharingCannotRegisterWithProMo 26012 Cannot register child estimates to ProMo+.
SharingChildMustBeCalculatedBeforeImport 26020 The child estimate must be calculated before it can be imported.
SharingContainsTasksByTotal 26014 The estimate contains one or more tasks which are calculated 'By Total' and are relevant for the owner. This is not allowed in 'no transparency' mode.
SharingDbOfEstimateActivatedOnlyInChild 26056 The DB of estimate is used in the child estimate, but it was deactivated in the parent estimate.
SharingEstimateMustBeCalculatedBeforeCreatingParentFile 26022 The estimate must be calculated before the file for the parent can be created.
SharingFieldsNeedFormula 26006 In order to create a transparent child estimate from a non-transparent estimate it is required that all shared fields have a formula.
SharingImportChildEstimateInvalidUser 26030 The child estimate is invalid. It is not from the expected user.
SharingImportChildEstimateIsLocked 26026 The child estimate cannot be locked when it is imported.
SharingImportChildEstimateWrongUser 26032 The child estimate is from the user, who does not belong to the configured users of this estimate.
SharingImportChildIsOutdated 26040 The child estimate was issued earlier than the last issuing.
SharingImportChildNotRegisteredInProMo 26044 Cannot import the child estimate that is work-flow controlled via ProMo+ but its file is not registered to ProMo+.
SharingImportCurrencyMismatch 26024 The currencies of the parent and child estimates are different.
SharingImportEstimateNeverIssuedToUser 26036 Cannot import from the user because the estimate was never issued to this user.
SharingImportInvalidLinks 26042 In the parent estimate, the tasks from the owner are linked to/from tasks outside the scope of the owner. This is not allowed when importing shared estimates.
SharingImportNoTaskWithGuidInChild 26050 A task with specific GUID does not exist in the child estimate.
SharingImportNotAllowedFromGrandchild 26038 Importing matching tasks from non direct child user is not allowed.
SharingImportNotSharedEstimate 26028 The imported estimate is not a valid shared estimate.
SharingImportOnlyFromDirectChildrenAllowed 26034 Only import from direct children is allowed.
SharingImportParentChangedTaskToBranch 26054 The parent estimate has changed a task to a branch after creating the child estimate. This is not allowed.
SharingImportSharedGuidNoLongerExists 26046 The child estimate owns a shared GUID that does not longer exist in the parent estimate and therefore the task cannot be merged.
SharingImportSharedGuidOwnerChanged 26048 The owner of a shared GUID has been changed in the parent estimate since the child estimate was created and therefore the task cannot be merged.
SharingImportSubtasksCreatedWhileNotAllowed 26052 Subtasks were created in the child estimate and this was not allowed.
SharingIncompatibleWithDatabaseOfEstimate 26002 The estimate has the database of the estimate feature activated. This is incompatible with the sharing feature.
SharingInvalidLinks 26016 Tasks from the owner are linked to/from tasks outside the scope of the owner. This is not allowed when sharing estimates.
SharingNoFieldsAvailable 26004 No numeric sharing fields available. In no transparency mode, at least one numeric sharing field is needed for the consolidation of values from the child estimates.
SharingOldProMoDatabase 26010 Estimate Workflow must be activated in ProMo+ in order to track child estimates.
SharingOtherError 26058 Other error that occurred while importing or creating a shard child estimate.
SharingTooManySharedFields 26023 The number of shared fields is limited to 60.
SheetIsWriteProtected 11013 The sheet is write protected.
Unknown -1 No info provided. Unspecified error.
WrongHexIdLength 4 Length of HexID must be 24 characters.
ZipExtractGeneralError 30110 General error, the file could not be extracted.
ZipExtractInvalidPassword 30120 The password specified as a parameter is invalid.
ZipExtractInvalidPromptPassword 30130 The password entered manually in the password prompt dialog is invalid.
ZipExtractPasswordPromptCanceled 30140 User canceled the operation in the password prompt dialog.

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