Qdv.UserApi Namespace

This namespace contains all types that belong to the QDV user API.
Name Description
Public class Anomaly Represents an anomaly that was added by a QDV request with an "Append_Anomaly_List" verb or by a macro.
Public class ContextAnalyticReporting Provides the information about what invoked the creation of a data source.
Public class EstimateEvents Contains the names of all events that are available in an estimate. The event names are in the language-neutral format.
Public class FreeFieldValue Represents a value of a 'FreeField' field in a minute.
Public class GlobalVariableInfo Provides a complete information about a global variable.
Public class ManagementDbContextInfo Provides the context information about the current management database. It specifies the current selection.
Public class MultilanguageString Represents a multi-lingual string that stores a text in multiple languages.
Public class NomenclaturesProperties Stores all properties that define a specific behavior of the estimate nomenclatures.
Public class OverheadSheetArea Represents one area in an overhead worksheet.
Public class OverheadSheetAreas Represents all areas in an overhead worksheet.
Public class OverheadSheetColumn Represents one column in an overhead worksheet.
Public class OverheadSheetInfo Stores the information about a sheet in the Overhead workbook.
Public class OverheadSheetListbox Stores the information that is specific to a LIST BOX sheet in the Overhead workbook. It has only meaning if the sheet in the Sheetinfo is of type NativeSheetType.List_Box.
Public class QdvApiException Represents errors that occur during execution of QDV user API code.
Public class QdvManager Provides access to various factories and helper interfaces.
Public class ReportOptions Stores options used in a report.
Public class ReportProperties Stores all properties that define a specific behavior of the estimate report.
Public class ScenarioTaskItem Represents one scenario item (value) belonging to a particular WBS task.
Public class UserInformation Stores the information about a sharing user (owner).
Public class WbsProportionalRounding Represents the proportional rounding for one price level in WBS.
Public class WbsVariableInfo Provides a complete information about a WBS variable.
Public class WorkbookParameters Represents parameters for a workbook initialization.
Name Description
Public interface IActiveDirectoryManager Contains some helper functions for manipulation of active directories.
Public interface IAnalyticReporting Provides data and functionality for the analytical reporting tools.
Public interface IArticleDatabase Represents an articles database in QDV.
Public interface IArticleDatabaseFactory The factory that creates article database objects.
Public interface IArticleInfo Represents info about an article.
Public interface IBoq Represents a B.o.Q. in an estimate.
Public interface IBuiltInFunctions Provides the functionality of the built-in functions that are normally accessible via buttons on sheets.
Public interface ICalculationOptions Represents calculation options in an estimate.
Public interface ICallingContext Contains information about a context in which a macro is being executed. This context is specific for estimates, sets and articles databases.
Public interface IColumnMapping Represents a column mapping (information).
Public interface ICommonCallingContext Contains general information about a context in which a macro is being executed.
Public interface IDatabaseOfEstimate Represents a database of the estimate.
Public interface IDatabaseTree Represents a tree hierarchy of article families in a database, e.g. in IArticleDatabase or ISetDatabase.
Public interface IDatabaseTreeItem Represents an item (articles family) in a IDatabaseTree.
Public interface IEstimate Represents an estimate in QDV.
Public interface IEstimateCallingContext Contains information about a context in which a macro is being executed. This context is specific for estimates.
Public interface IEstimateFactory The factory that creates estimate objects.
Public interface IEstimateOptions Provides access to the estimate options.
Public interface IEstimateVersion Represents a version in an estimate in QDV.
Public interface IGantt Represents a Gantt diagram in QDV.
Public interface IGanttItemInfo Represents a Gantt item which can be either a task or a group.
Public interface IGanttTaskAssignationImage Represents the information about a Gantt task with a percent value.
Public interface IGanttTaskRelation Represents a Gantt task relation (dependency).
Public interface IGanttTasksAssignation Lets you address multiple Gantt tasks from a minute row.
Public interface IGlobalErrors Provides read-only access to the old error handling mechanism in the API.
Public interface IGlobalVariables Handles global variables in an estimate.
Public interface IMacroProvider Represents a single macro provider. A macro provider may be IEstimate, IArticleDatabase or other entity that can contain macros.
Public interface IManagementDbCallingContext Contains information about a context in which a macro is being executed. This context is specific for management databases.
Public interface IMinute Represents a minute in an estimate.
Public interface INomenclatures Represents nomenclatures in the estimate.
Public interface IOverhead Represents the overhead in the estimate.
Public interface IQdvEnvironment Provides information about QDV environment.
Public interface IQdvLicenseInfo The license info of the QDV application.
Public interface IRoundingOptions Represents the rounding options in an estimate.
Public interface IScenario Represents a scenario.
Public interface IScenarios Handles scenarios in an estimate.
Public interface ISet Represents a QDV set.
Public interface ISetDatabase Represents a database of sets.
Public interface ISetDatabaseFactory The factory that creates article database objects.
Public interface ISharing Provides the task sharing functionality.
Public interface ITask Represents a WBS task or branch (WBS node) in an estimate.
Public interface ITaskCommentRow Represents one 'comment row' of a task in the expanded WBS. The info for one row contains only these WBS fields: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description.
Public interface ITaskCommentRows Represents all 'comment rows' of a task in the expanded WBS. The info for one row contains only these WBS fields: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description.
Public interface IWbs Represents a WBS of an estimate. It belongs to a single estimate version.
Public interface IWbsVariables Handles WBS variables in a task.
Public interface IWorksheetManager Contains some helper functions for manipulation of worksheets, especially the worksheets in the Overhead workbook.
Public interface IZipFile Contains functions to deal with ZIP files.
Name Description
Public structure ColumnHeading Obsolete. Represents a column heading.
Public structure MacroExecutionError This structure is to be passed to macro and requests execution functions. It lets you read error messages and error numbers returned by a macro or a request.
Name Description
Public delegate ExecutionProgressTick Delegate for handling the progress of the current action.
Name Description
Public enumeration BoqWorkbookType Specifies a BoQ workbook type.
Public enumeration CalculationMode
Public enumeration ColumnCategory Specifies the category of a minutes column (field).
Public enumeration DataSourceOrigin Specifies the origin of a data source.
Public enumeration DatabaseTreeKeyField Specifies which field serves as a key field in a IDatabaseTree.
Public enumeration ErrorIDs Well known values for QdvApiException.Id property.
Public enumeration EstimateColumnsView Specifies a view of an estimate (a tab in UI) where minutes columns (fields) can be displayed.
Public enumeration ForceSellingPricesKind
Public enumeration GanttMode
Public enumeration GanttTaskAssignationPropagationMode Defines how to propagate the Gantt task assignation.
Public enumeration GanttTaskDurationMode Specifies the duration mode of a Gantt task.
Public enumeration GanttTaskDurationType Specifies the duration type of a Gantt task.
Public enumeration GanttTaskRelationMode Specifies the relation mode of a Gantt task.
Public enumeration GanttTaskRelationType Specifies the relation type of a Gantt task.
Public enumeration GlobalVariableAccess Access permission of a global variable.
Public enumeration GlobalVariableType Specifies the type of a global variable.
Public enumeration Granularity Specifies the granularity of a time sheet used in analytical reporting.
Public enumeration InsertSetErrorAction Specifies the action to be performed when an error is encountered during insertion of a set (with IMinute.InsertSetAtRow).
Public enumeration LocationOfTotals Specifies where the 'Totals' rows will be placed.
Public enumeration NativeSheetType Specifies the type of any sheet in the Overhead workbook, not just native ones, despite the name.
Public enumeration NomenclatureColorMarking Specifies the color of a minute line. Used in nomenclatures filters.
Public enumeration NomenclatureFilterType Specifies a filter type for rows or articles in nomenclatures.
Public enumeration NomenclatureMode Specifies the mode of how nomenclatures are to be shown.
Public enumeration OverheadSheetColumnKind Specifies the kind of a column in an overhead sheet.
Public enumeration OverheadSheetFreeFieldTotalMode Specifies what's in total of a free field in an overhead sheet.
Public enumeration OverheadSheetMacroColumnDisplayNA Specifies how to display #N/A values in a macro column in an overhead sheet.
Public enumeration PositionInNativeSheet Obsolete. Specifies the area position in a native sheet in the Overhead workbook.
Public enumeration PositionInWbsBranch When reading data from a WBS branch (a chapter) it specifies where to read the data from.
Public enumeration QdvEdition Specifies the QDV edition.
Public enumeration RestoreWhatOnCalculationChange
Public enumeration SharingUniqueFieldsSynchroMode Specifies synchronization mode for synchronizing unique fields during estimate sharing.
Public enumeration SheetKind The basic kind of a sheet in the Overhead workbook.
Public enumeration TaskKind A kind of ITask in WBS tree structure.
Public enumeration TypeOfField Specifies the type of a field.
Public enumeration UserInformationFilter Specifies how the owners (UserInformation) are filtered.
Public enumeration VariableType Specifies the type of a variable.
Public enumeration VersionDeleteAction Specifies the action for deleting an estimate version/progress.
Public enumeration WbsSheets Specifies the sheets available in a WBS workbook.
Public enumeration WbsTitleRowPosition Obsolete. Specifies in which row a column title is shown.
Public enumeration WhereConditionType Defines the type of a test condition to be satisfied when filtering the data.
Public enumeration WorkbookFileFormat Specifies the file format of a workbook.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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