Qdv.UserApi Namespace
Name | Description | |
Anomaly | Represents an anomaly that was added by a QDV request with an "Append_Anomaly_List" verb or by a macro. | |
ContextAnalyticReporting | Provides the information about what invoked the creation of a data source. | |
EstimateEvents | Contains the names of all events that are available in an estimate. The event names are in the language-neutral format. | |
FreeFieldValue | Represents a value of a 'FreeField' field in a minute. | |
GlobalVariableInfo | Provides a complete information about a global variable. | |
ManagementDbContextInfo | Provides the context information about the current management database. It specifies the current selection. | |
MultilanguageString | Represents a multi-lingual string that stores a text in multiple languages. | |
NomenclaturesProperties | Stores all properties that define a specific behavior of the estimate nomenclatures. | |
OverheadSheetArea | Represents one area in an overhead worksheet. | |
OverheadSheetAreas | Represents all areas in an overhead worksheet. | |
OverheadSheetColumn | Represents one column in an overhead worksheet. | |
OverheadSheetInfo | Stores the information about a sheet in the Overhead workbook. | |
OverheadSheetListbox | Stores the information that is specific to a LIST BOX sheet in the Overhead workbook. It has only meaning if the sheet in the Sheetinfo is of type NativeSheetType.List_Box. | |
QdvApiException | Represents errors that occur during execution of QDV user API code. | |
QdvManager | Provides access to various factories and helper interfaces. | |
ReportOptions | Stores options used in a report. | |
ReportProperties | Stores all properties that define a specific behavior of the estimate report. | |
ScenarioTaskItem | Represents one scenario item (value) belonging to a particular WBS task. | |
UserInformation | Stores the information about a sharing user (owner). | |
WbsProportionalRounding | Represents the proportional rounding for one price level in WBS. | |
WbsVariableInfo | Provides a complete information about a WBS variable. | |
WorkbookParameters | Represents parameters for a workbook initialization. |
Name | Description | |
IActiveDirectoryManager | Contains some helper functions for manipulation of active directories. | |
IAnalyticReporting | Provides data and functionality for the analytical reporting tools. | |
IArticleDatabase | Represents an articles database in QDV. | |
IArticleDatabaseFactory | The factory that creates article database objects. | |
IArticleInfo | Represents info about an article. | |
IBoq | Represents a B.o.Q. in an estimate. | |
IBuiltInFunctions | Provides the functionality of the built-in functions that are normally accessible via buttons on sheets. | |
ICalculationOptions | Represents calculation options in an estimate. | |
ICallingContext | Contains information about a context in which a macro is being executed. This context is specific for estimates, sets and articles databases. | |
IColumnMapping | Represents a column mapping (information). | |
ICommonCallingContext | Contains general information about a context in which a macro is being executed. | |
IDatabaseOfEstimate | Represents a database of the estimate. | |
IDatabaseTree | Represents a tree hierarchy of article families in a database, e.g. in IArticleDatabase or ISetDatabase. | |
IDatabaseTreeItem | Represents an item (articles family) in a IDatabaseTree. | |
IEstimate | Represents an estimate in QDV. | |
IEstimateCallingContext | Contains information about a context in which a macro is being executed. This context is specific for estimates. | |
IEstimateFactory | The factory that creates estimate objects. | |
IEstimateOptions | Provides access to the estimate options. | |
IEstimateVersion | Represents a version in an estimate in QDV. | |
IGantt | Represents a Gantt diagram in QDV. | |
IGanttItemInfo | Represents a Gantt item which can be either a task or a group. | |
IGanttTaskAssignationImage | Represents the information about a Gantt task with a percent value. | |
IGanttTaskRelation | Represents a Gantt task relation (dependency). | |
IGanttTasksAssignation | Lets you address multiple Gantt tasks from a minute row. | |
IGlobalErrors | Provides read-only access to the old error handling mechanism in the API. | |
IGlobalVariables | Handles global variables in an estimate. | |
IMacroProvider | Represents a single macro provider. A macro provider may be IEstimate, IArticleDatabase or other entity that can contain macros. | |
IManagementDbCallingContext | Contains information about a context in which a macro is being executed. This context is specific for management databases. | |
IMinute | Represents a minute in an estimate. | |
INomenclatures | Represents nomenclatures in the estimate. | |
IOverhead | Represents the overhead in the estimate. | |
IQdvEnvironment | Provides information about QDV environment. | |
IQdvLicenseInfo | The license info of the QDV application. | |
IRoundingOptions | Represents the rounding options in an estimate. | |
IScenario | Represents a scenario. | |
IScenarios | Handles scenarios in an estimate. | |
ISet | Represents a QDV set. | |
ISetDatabase | Represents a database of sets. | |
ISetDatabaseFactory | The factory that creates article database objects. | |
ISharing | Provides the task sharing functionality. | |
ITask | Represents a WBS task or branch (WBS node) in an estimate. | |
ITaskCommentRow | Represents one 'comment row' of a task in the expanded WBS. The info for one row contains only these WBS fields: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description. | |
ITaskCommentRows | Represents all 'comment rows' of a task in the expanded WBS. The info for one row contains only these WBS fields: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description. | |
IWbs | Represents a WBS of an estimate. It belongs to a single estimate version. | |
IWbsVariables | Handles WBS variables in a task. | |
IWorksheetManager | Contains some helper functions for manipulation of worksheets, especially the worksheets in the Overhead workbook. | |
IZipFile | Contains functions to deal with ZIP files. |
Name | Description | |
ColumnHeading | Obsolete. Represents a column heading. | |
MacroExecutionError | This structure is to be passed to macro and requests execution functions. It lets you read error messages and error numbers returned by a macro or a request. |
Name | Description | |
ExecutionProgressTick | Delegate for handling the progress of the current action. |
Name | Description | |
BoqWorkbookType | Specifies a BoQ workbook type. | |
CalculationMode | ||
ColumnCategory | Specifies the category of a minutes column (field). | |
DataSourceOrigin | Specifies the origin of a data source. | |
DatabaseTreeKeyField | Specifies which field serves as a key field in a IDatabaseTree. | |
ErrorIDs | Well known values for QdvApiException.Id property. | |
EstimateColumnsView | Specifies a view of an estimate (a tab in UI) where minutes columns (fields) can be displayed. | |
ForceSellingPricesKind | ||
GanttMode | ||
GanttTaskAssignationPropagationMode | Defines how to propagate the Gantt task assignation. | |
GanttTaskDurationMode | Specifies the duration mode of a Gantt task. | |
GanttTaskDurationType | Specifies the duration type of a Gantt task. | |
GanttTaskRelationMode | Specifies the relation mode of a Gantt task. | |
GanttTaskRelationType | Specifies the relation type of a Gantt task. | |
GlobalVariableAccess | Access permission of a global variable. | |
GlobalVariableType | Specifies the type of a global variable. | |
Granularity | Specifies the granularity of a time sheet used in analytical reporting. | |
InsertSetErrorAction | Specifies the action to be performed when an error is encountered during insertion of a set (with IMinute.InsertSetAtRow). | |
LocationOfTotals | Specifies where the 'Totals' rows will be placed. | |
NativeSheetType | Specifies the type of any sheet in the Overhead workbook, not just native ones, despite the name. | |
NomenclatureColorMarking | Specifies the color of a minute line. Used in nomenclatures filters. | |
NomenclatureFilterType | Specifies a filter type for rows or articles in nomenclatures. | |
NomenclatureMode | Specifies the mode of how nomenclatures are to be shown. | |
OverheadSheetColumnKind | Specifies the kind of a column in an overhead sheet. | |
OverheadSheetFreeFieldTotalMode | Specifies what's in total of a free field in an overhead sheet. | |
OverheadSheetMacroColumnDisplayNA | Specifies how to display #N/A values in a macro column in an overhead sheet. | |
PositionInNativeSheet | Obsolete. Specifies the area position in a native sheet in the Overhead workbook. | |
PositionInWbsBranch | When reading data from a WBS branch (a chapter) it specifies where to read the data from. | |
QdvEdition | Specifies the QDV edition. | |
RestoreWhatOnCalculationChange | ||
SharingUniqueFieldsSynchroMode | Specifies synchronization mode for synchronizing unique fields during estimate sharing. | |
SheetKind | The basic kind of a sheet in the Overhead workbook. | |
TaskKind | A kind of ITask in WBS tree structure. | |
TypeOfField | Specifies the type of a field. | |
UserInformationFilter | Specifies how the owners (UserInformation) are filtered. | |
VariableType | Specifies the type of a variable. | |
VersionDeleteAction | Specifies the action for deleting an estimate version/progress. | |
WbsSheets | Specifies the sheets available in a WBS workbook. | |
WbsTitleRowPosition | Obsolete. Specifies in which row a column title is shown. | |
WhereConditionType | Defines the type of a test condition to be satisfied when filtering the data. | |
WorkbookFileFormat | Specifies the file format of a workbook. |