IEstimate.SetMacroButton Method
- ButtonNumber
- int
Valid values are 1 - 19.
- ButtonVisible
- int
Set to 1 to display the button, any other value to hide it.
- ButtonName
- string
The text which appear below the button.
- ButtonToolTip
- string
The tooltip text associated with the button.
- FullPathToPNGImage
- string
The full path to a .PNG image. A default image is used when left blank. The path may use various placeholders or even refer to an embedded file, see Remarks for more details.
- Size
- int
- 0 - Large button with text
- 1 - Small button without text
- 2 - Small button with text
Buttons are dynamically displayed according to the active estimate. When focus is given to another estimate, macro buttons may change. This function is typically called by the Events macro in the Open_Estimate event.
The FullPathToPNGImage may contain various placeholders or even refer to an embedded file. Recognized placeholders:
- ..\ refers to the installation folder, e.g. ..\Samples\Stuff_4_Macros\User_macro_32.png
- <INTERNAL> followed by a file name means that the file is embedded in the estimate.
- <USER_NAME> is replaced with the current user name
- <PROFILE_PATH> is replaced with the current user profile folder
- <TEMP_PATH> is replaced with the current temp folder
- <DESKTOP_PATH> is replaced with the current desktop folder
- <MY_DOCUMENTS_PATH> is replaced with the current My Document folder
- <INSTALL_PATH> is replaced with the QDV installation