ITask.GetFieldsValuesFromDb Method

Reads values from several fields in this task directly from database.
Function GetFieldsValuesFromDb( _ 
ByVal fields As List(Of String) _ 
) As Dictionary(Of String, Object)
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Dictionary<string, object> GetFieldsValuesFromDb( 
List<string> fields 
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A list of field mnemonics whose content you want to retrieve.

Return Value

Dictionary<string, object>

A dictionary of results. Keys contain matching field mnemonics and values contain corresponding field values.

Exception type Condition


A problem occurred.


Because this function reads directly from database, it cannot get values which are calculated by the WBS workbook. Use GetFieldValue to read directly from the workbook.

You cannot get blob values, i.e. embedded files, with this method. If you want to get the values of the fields that have their IWbsField.DataType set to WbsFieldDataType.AnyFile, such as "_Document" or "_Workbook", you need to call GetBlob method.

The function also supports fields which cannot be displayed in the WBS. You can access all free fields with the name you give them + the following native fields:

Field mnemonicDescription
WBS_Descriptionthe description (first row only)
WBS_Guidthe unique identifier to the row
WBS_Levelthe indentation level
WBS_HexIndexthe hexadecimal identifier where each 3 chars match one level
WBS_Incidencethe calculated value being in the incidence column
WBS_InternalQuantitythe quantity multiplied by quantities of branches
WBS_InternalQuantityOptionsthe quantity multiplied by quantities of branches ignoring the 0 value of possible options
WBS_IsAMinute1 when the row matches a task (a minute) and 0 when it matches a branch (a chapter)
WBS_ByTotal1 when the task is evaluated by total and 0 when it is evaluated per unit
WBS_IsOption1 when the task or branch is set an option, 2 when it belongs to an optional branch, 0 when not an option
WBS_Itemthe item (string)
WBS_Ownerthe owner (string)
WBS_Quantitythe quantity
WBS_SellingPriceBeforeCoeffPerUnitthe selling price per unit before IDIQ factors
WBS_ForcedCoeffthe factor in the 'incidence' columns when forced
WBS_ForcedMode0 when not forced, 1 when factor is forced, 2 when selling price is forced
WBS_ForcedSellingPricePerUnitthe value forced in the selling price per unit column
WBS_ForcedSellingTotalPricethe value forced in the selling total price column
WBS_CostDataFromMinutethe cost coming from the minute (either per unit or total)
WBS_SellingDataFromMinutethe selling price from the minute (either per unit or total)
WBS_CostPerUnitthe cost per unit
WBS_TotalCostthe total cost
WBS_SPPerUnitAfterCoeffsthe selling price per unit after application of IDIQ factors
WBS_SPTotalAfterCoeffsthe selling total price after application of IDIQ factors
WBS_TypeOfLink is the type of link for linked tasks 0 = not linked, 1 = linked
WBS_CostDataIsWrong when 1 the cost is N/A and may require computation
WBS_SellingDataIsWrong when 1 the selling price is N/A and may require computation

Available since QDV 7.13.0001.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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