ITask.StoreBlob (String, Byte()) Method

Writes a blob to the specified WBS field in this task.
Sub StoreBlob( _ 
ByVal fieldMnemonic As String, _ 
ByVal blob As Byte() _ 
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void StoreBlob( 
string fieldMnemonic
byte[] blob 
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The mnemonic of the WBS field you want to write the blob to. Can be either _Workbook, _Document, _MinuteWorkbook or a free WBS field with IWbsField.DataType set to WbsFieldDataType.AnyFile.


A byte array representing the file you want to store.

Exception type Condition


A problem occurred.


The WBS fields with blob are one of the following:

_Workbook: The Excel workbook hosted in the WBS row which is used to read values from the WBS row.

_Document: The word document hosted in the WBS row (which is to be merged with calling word document).

_MinuteWorkbook: The Excel workbook hosted in the WBS row which is used to read and write values from/to minute rows.

A free WBS field with: IWbsField.DataType set to WbsFieldDataType.AnyFile

Available since QDV 7.22.1031.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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