ITask.GetCommentRows Method

Gets all 'comment rows' of the task in the expanded WBS. The info for one row contains only these WBS fields: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description.
Function GetCommentRows() As ITaskCommentRows
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ITaskCommentRows GetCommentRows()
This language is not supported or no code example is available.

Return Value


All rows of the task, including the first node row, and then optionally additional comment rows.

Exception type Condition


A problem occurred.


A task can have two kinds of rows.

  1. The node row - this is the first row that corresponds to a node in the WBS tree. This row always exists and it contains values in all available WBS fields.
  2. Comment rows - those rows are optional and they are placed below the first node row. Only the following WBS fields may contain some value in the comment rows: WBS_Item, WBS_Quantity, WBS_Unit and WBS_Description (including their language versions). All other columns are empty. Moreover, it is possible to define custom formatting for WBS_Description field (including its language versions).
Available since QDV 7.18.682.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

In this article
