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Released on December 4, 2018

Bug Fix: Single quotes in management database names

If the name of a management database contained a single quote it was impossible to open the database.

Bug Fix: Formula_For_Quantity field is no longer differentiator for articles

The field FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY was always set as a differentiator for articles in the field manager and the field was locked. Now the field is set by default as ‘no differentiator for articles’ and the user can change this flag.

Change: Editing Formula_For_Quantity field always selected the first character

When attempting to input a formula directly in the Formula_For_Quantity field (without a leading equal sign ‘=’), the first character was selected so, a new key replaced it by the second character.

Bug fix: QDV7 shut down due to nested begin transaction

When the overhead has a sheet which has the editable permission set and also an optional flag “Automatic refresh overhead workbook” is set, then editing the sheet (outside edit mode) and subsequent saving of the estimate was leading to a nested begin transaction message and QDV shut down.