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Released on December 9, 2018

Change: "Import From Excel" function in Minutes - drag and drop operation of minutes from Converter always sees blanks as zeros

In the "Import From Excel" function invoked from Minutes. When in the general options the check box "Set quantity as default to 1 in the minutes" was ticked, any blank value in the quantity column was converted to 1 instead of zero under QDV. This was seen as normal but confusing because one sees blank under Excel and the result was 1 under QDV. For other fields where default value is set in the fields manager however, the default value is still taken into account (E.g.: for the "negotiation factor" field has it's default value to 1).

Now, when you insert from minutes with this check box ticked, the default value for the quantity field is ignored and a blank becomes a zero for that field regardless the state of the flag.