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Released on May 27, 2019

Change: Handling of QEval at WBS level modified

The way QEval (the quantity for evaluation) is handled at WBS level has been significantly changed / improved. Now we store QEVal in a built-in column named QUANTITY_FOR_EVALUATION_WBS that can be inserted using the 'special columns' list of the field manager.

The advantage is: With this new storage mode, you can insert the column in the minutes and carry out calculations on it. On the other hand, you must have this column implemented so that QDV can store QEval. When you don't have it, you get a message when you open an estimate.

Despite this change in the storage, you can still input QEval as a regular WBV_ variable. But now you can also input it manually in the header line of each minute and, if needed in a column in the WBS.

You can no longer store QEval in branches. This is adapted to be consistent with quantities for evaluation used at the level of sets. It makes no sense to have QEval in WBS branches so only leaves (tasks) can handle it.