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Released on May 29, 2019

New: Click on WBS tree

When clicking on the WBS tree, the entire WBS line is activated.

New: Several functions added to the API

You can now paint the background of a WBS column, a formula in a WBS column or return the ordinal position of a WBS column. These fonctions are added to the Estimate.WBS class.

Functions added to Estimate.WBS class are:


Sub SetColumnBackgroundColorInWBS(ByVal columnNameOrUniqueIdentifier As String, ByVal backgroundColor As System.Drawing.Color, Optional ByVal useUniqueIdentifierInstead As Boolean = False)

Sub SetColumnFormulaInWBS(ByVal columnNameOrUniqueIdentifier As String, ByVal formulaInEnglish As String, Optional ByVal useUniqueIdentifierInstead As Boolean = False)

Function GetColumnPosition(ByVal columnNameOrUniqueIdentifier As String, Optional ByVal useUniqueIdentifierInstead As Boolean = False) As Integer


It is also possible to get the letter of a column in a worksheet from its position (0 = A, 1 = B, 25 = AA, etc.). The opposite function is also available. Both are in Context.QDVManager.WorksheetManager class.

Functions added to Context.QDVManager.WorksheetManager class are:


Function getColumnLettersFromPosition(ByVal columnPosition As Integer) As String

Function getColumnPositionFromLetters(ByVal columnLetters As String) As Integer

New: Message on error attempting to display ovehead sheets

The calculation engine could trigger an error being in a sheet which is not accessible by the user regarding his profile. In such cases the application crashed. Now it provides a clear message about the error without allowing the user to see the hidden sheet.

So he can log as an administrator or ask an administrator to fix the problem.