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Released on September 30, 2019

Bug fix: Possible “nested begin transaction” error messages using set databases

In very rare conditions customers encounter errors about “nested begin transaction” when using set databases. Some changes have been done to make to code more robust and also to provide more relevant data should the error occur again.

Bug Fix: QDV Search. The indexation was sometimes stopped

When the database was recreated, the indexation was not automatically restarted.

Bug Fix: QDV Search. The indexation must be stopped when recreating the database

If the indexation was in progress, recreating the database created some issues. This is fixed.

Bug Fix: QDV Search. Folder deletion

If the indexation was in progress when the user asks to delete a folder, the process was still active and indexing files that could have been unselected. This is fixed.

Change: QDV Search. Setting page

Some cosmetic changes in the labels for French language.

Bug Fix: Select preferential databases

When selecting a preferential database from an estimate, it was impossible to access the database by typing a reference or a description in appropriate fields of the minutes.

Change: Business Intelligence tools updated, sevral issues solved

Business Intelligence tool has been upgrade and solves several issues:

New Features:

 The PivotTable conditions.

 New iif, choose and switch functions were added.

 Additional conditions for the string types were added.

 Export to PDF. Support forf ZUGFeRD v2.0.

 The new property - StiOptions.Export.Html.OpenLinksTarget.

 Now you may use icons for Image.

 New filter types in Data Transformation for string types - between, greater than, less than.

 Support for Nullable Date in Data Transformation filters.


 Replaced "Y Axis" property to "X Axis" for Clustered Bar series.

Fixed Bugs:

 Issues with drawing styles in the style designer were fixed.

 Some problems with painting conditions and interactions symbol at a component in the wizards.

 Some problems with saving and loading StiViewerControl settings.

 A bug with showing a report rendering progress in the report designer in a HiDPI environment.

 Print to PDF in Chrome version 77.

 Export to PDF. Rotated images were not exported correctly in ResolutionMode=Auto mode.

 The MaxNumberOfLines property of Text incorrectly worked in HiDPI.

 Export to Excel. When exporting a certain combination of HTML tags, it resulted in a corrupted file.

 Engine. Rendering a long RichText on Win7 could cause an exception.

 Interactive sorting might not work correctly if the column type in the dictionary was different from the type in the database.

 Export to Word. HTML tags "margin-top/bottom" were not exported.

 Mouse over on a chart in a HiDPI environment.

 Color Each for Bubble Series.

Change: Export to Microsoft Project

We have rewritten entirely the code which carries out the export to Microsoft Project. We don't not rely anymore on SyncFusion component. We have our own code which can be now easily extended to support more features such resources, multiple calendars, etc.