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Released on March 31, 2020

Bug Fix: Quantity for Evaluation WBS not refreshed at the bottom of minutes

When the variables QEval_WBS was used in the bottom pane of the minutes, it was no longer refreshed immediately on changes. A 'compute all' was needed.

Change: Cash curves are now translated

All texts in native cash-curves are automatically translated when the language of the UI is changed. This works only with new cash-curves (if you insert them from the new version).

If you need to adapt existing cash curves and you don't want to re-insert them from scratch, you can check the formulas used in the names of the series of a new cash curve and copy them into your old cash-curve.

Bug Fix: Size of fonts in legend of cash curves after several exchanges with Excel with previous versions

Because of compatibility issues with the XLS format when exchanging cash curves with Excel, the size of the font in the legends could be tiny. When doing a check and repaint, QDV automatically sets to 8 any font below 6 in a legend.