7.20.0002 - OFFICIAL http://www.iaes-software.com/downloads/Setup_QDV_7_20_2.exe

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7.20.0002 - OFFICIAL http://www.iaes-software.com/downloads/Setup_QDV_7_20_2.exe

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Released on June 12, 2020

Change: Setup program and Click-Once deployment adapted

Following the deployment of the official 7.20.1 we have adapted to Setup program and the Click-Once installer so that they  no longer attempt to install the VC++ Redistributable.

Instead they deploy new components for SQLite called 'Bundles' because they contain all dependencies. With this we should never need to refer to components in the systems so it should work in any configuration. Even if the system is not updated.

In many organization the installation of the VC++ Redistributable is not allowed and cannot be achieved totally by simple users. So with this new bundle, the problem should get solved whatever the permissions.

A lot of users reported an error Cannot create Buffer.s3db or Cannot update file buffer.s3db. That's the reason why we publish this new release a few days after the first official.

By the way, we also fix some little issues, most are in the new QDV Tools for Excel module.

Bug Fix: Excel Pricing Tool

When the associated estimate was missing and the user asked to refresh the data, there was an error.

In some conditions, the rotation could crash.

The parameters were not correct when retrieving data from an overhead workbook.

After import from Excel in the overhead, all in-cells comments were displayed.

Change: Imperial units input needed adaptation

When using the lists of units in the fields manager of the minutes to convert units to others automatically, the full text came in cells from the list. E.g.: mi (mile) or tsp (teaspoon). But calculations use short name (mi, tsp…).

Now when you input a long name QDV converts it automatically into a short name as soon as you press ENTER key.

Change: Better error messages

The new error message with the ability to report error was triggered also for some rare normal handled errors. It's now only triggered when a non handled error is encountered.

Bug Fix: B.I. Excel, cannot merge data sources

With some rare Excel report files we found corrupted result after merging with data source in the B.I. We have replaced a component to prevent this issue.

The problem resulted in an error message from Excel at the time the report was rendered.

Bug Fix: Publisher adapted for QDV Tools for Excel

The ClickOnce publisher was not adapted to some configuration of the QDV Tools for Excel application (When Excel was a 32 bits version). It forced a file to adapt at each update.