7.21.0012 - OFFICIAL http://www.iaes-software.com/downloads/Setup_QDV_7_21_12.exe

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7.21.0012 - OFFICIAL http://www.iaes-software.com/downloads/Setup_QDV_7_21_12.exe

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Released on June 8, 2021

Change: Replacement column for the quantity can have any default value.

We rolled back our recent change brought in version 7.21.11 which enforced the following: “If you use a replacement column for the quantity column in the minutes, this replacement column must have a null default value as soon as the FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column is implemented”

That was not flexible enough for some customers so no you can have a non-null default value in the replacement field and use the FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column. It also works with set after our adaptations.

Bug Fix: “invalid index” when merging Word documents with global variables

A library caused an error (Invalid index) when attempting to merge some Word documents. The problem appeared in official version 7.21.8 and above.

Bug Fix: Cannot create file for parent when FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY used in child estimate

Due to numerous fields recently added to calculate quantities (FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY, QUANTITY_NUMBER, THROUGHPUT_PACE, etc.) it was no longer possible to create a file for the parent from a child estimate having one of these new columns.