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Released on January 12, 2021

Bug fix: An error could occur when selecting "Totals only" mode in Nomenclatures

This happened when the Description column was in a collapsible group with other columns.


In "Totals only" mode, the header texts of Description column are replaced with "Group by" column. This operation failed, if the "Group by" column had some parent text, such as "MATERIAL". Now the column is correctly displayed with the correct parent text.


Change: changes rolled back to support older versions of SQL Server

Some recent changes from Aug 2020 used new MS SQL Server 2016 syntax because Microsoft halted support on older versions. However some customers still have older versions so we rolled back these changes and Ms SQL Server 2012/2014 are still supported.

However, if you own such old engines, we strongly suggest an update: https://www.wardyit.com/blog/sql-server-end-of-life-considerations/#:~:text=SQL%20Server%202014%20reached%20its,end%20on%209%20July%202024.