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Released on June 1, 2021

New: DitributeWBStoBOQColumns() in IWbs class of the API

The function DitributeWBStoBOQColumns() has been added to the IWbs class of the API.

It runs the WBS to BOQ distibution to feed the BOQ columns (when WBS to BOQ distribution columns are implemented)

This function is also called automatically at the end of a compute selling prices operation. However, the ON_END_COMPUTE_SELLING_PRICE event is called at the very end of the compute operation, so it’s done after this.

When you want your macros invoked by this event to bring change to figures which could influence the distribution, you may have to invoke this function in your macro.

Change: Exporting nomenclatures to Excel

When exporting nomenclatures view to Excel, blank rows being below + signs were simply hidden in the output file. Now they are removed.