
Navigation:  7.21 (QDV 2021) >


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Released on June 6, 2021

Change: Replacement column for the quantity must have a null default value.

We enforced the following: If you use a replacement column for the quantity column in the minutes, this replacement column must have a null default value as soon as the FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column is implemented.

We saw some estimates having a different default value but this is not compatible with sets and the FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column.

Anyway, whatever the columns in your layout, it’s not recommended to use such a different default value in the replacement column of the quantity because all rows having a quantity are computed. It’s better to use conditional formatting if you want to tell the user that there is a missing quantity.

Bug Fix: “Conform_Gantt_To_WBS Structure” macro adapted

In the conform Gantt diagram (external function), when conforming the diagram to the WBS, creating sub-tasks from a grand-child didn’t work well. An error message appeared. Macro has now version 5.26.

Bug Fix: Deletion of grand children could prevent children from accessing tasks

When deleting users (in the sharing window) from a child which has grandchildren, the deletion caused the deletion of the child’s name too. For this reason, tasks previously allocated to the child were no longer accessible.