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Released on June 9, 2021

New: Estimate Converter – Auto level properties loaded from workbook with mappings

The Load Settings/Save Settings functions loaded/saved also last used Auto Levels properties. These properties were also stored in (With mappings).xlsx file, however they weren’t used next time the workbook was open.

Now they are used also so last used and saved Auto level properties are now available in ‘Auto Levels properties’ dialog next time you open a workbook again.

Bug fix: QDVTools4XL Distribution – Visibility of algorithms

In certain cases, the form of the algorithms was out of the screen, and therefore invisible. We now ensure that the window will always be visible.

Bug Fix: “invalid index” when merging Word documents with global variables

A library caused an error (Invalid index) when attempting to merge some Word documents. The problem appeared in official version 7.21.8 and above.

Change: Replacement column for the quantity can have any default value.

We rolled back our recent change brought in version 7.21.11 which enforced the following: “If you use a replacement column for the quantity column in the minutes, this replacement column must have a null default value as soon as the FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column is implemented”

That was not flexible enough for some customers so no you can have a non-null default value in the replacement field and use the FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column. It also works with set after our adaptations.