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Released on January 17, 2022

Change: English and French user manuals updated

The English and French user manuals have been updated to match up with version 2022. All new features are now documented. The manuals are installed with the software (so this update will take more time than usual beta versions)

The manuals are also accessible on-line with the following lines:

In English: http://www.quick-devis.net/qdv7helper/HTML/index.html

In French: http://www.quick-devis.net/qdv7helper/FR/HTML/index.html

In Spanish: http://www.quick-devis.net/qdv7helper/ES/HTML/index.html

Notice that the Spanish version will be updated later.

Because manuals have been added, the current setup file for beta 7.21.938 is significantly larger than other beta releases (it's like official releases). 7.21.939 will not have the manuals so if will have a normal-beta size.

Change: negative figures taken into account in nomenclatures

Since December 2020, the nomenclatures view under QDV takes into account negative figures when filter “Articles with costs” and “Articles with costs and quantities” are applied.

But this change was not brought to nomenclature-reports (when nomenclatures are invoked from the report generator). So, such reports didn’t take into account negative figures. This is because the goal of nomenclatures used with these filters was, initially (at the beginning of QDV), to order components and it made no sense to order negative lines.

Now, in order to conform figures visible under QDV and figures visible under the report generator, the nomenclatures seen in the report generator take negative figures into account, whatever the filter applied. This is easier to understand because the total figures at the bottom of the nomenclatures now always match the total figures of the estimate.