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Released on September 4, 2022

New: Columns for macros in the lists of the overhead workbook

You can implement a new type of columns in the lists of the overhead workbook: Columns for macros.

These columns can be filled in by macros when you want to push data which are more complex to extract than what QDV can provide natively. E.g.: data calculated with your own quantity columns, data with more than 3 dimensions…

To implement such a column, select the location and right click. Select ‘Insert macro column…’


Then, check the following form and click ‘OK’.


You must provide an ID at the bottom-right. The ID must be made of digits, capital letters and underscores only.

Macro columns can be implemented in 3 different types of sheets:

Material set-of-fields

Workforce set-of-fields

free lists.

To feed such a column with a macro, you can invoke FeedMacroColumnInOverhead(). E.g.:


With above code, feed a macro column with ID “ABCDE” in the MATTER sheet for the core and option areas:


Bug Fix: New list to select Gantt tasks in the minute

The recently implemented structured list which enables selection of Gantt tasks form the minutes didn’t display the very last task of the Gantt diagram.