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Released on October 19, 2022

New: The API function UpdateRowsFromDatabases supports dated databases

So far, if you attempted to refer to a dated database in the UpdateRowsFromDatabases() it worked only if the database name was strictly the one referenced. E.g.: AAF [2017.04.01 - 0000001].qdb.

Now, the latest database in the folder is always taken into account. Let’s say I want to update from database AAF [2017.04.01 - 0000001].qdb but the database in the folder is AAF [2022.03.01 - 0000002].qdb. The latter will be taken into account.

Bug Fix: Some columns names not accessible in the bottom pane of the WBS

The column names in the bottom pane of the WBS are identified by their type, the beginning of the name could be LABEL_, VALUE_, TOTAL_, SYS_, GLV_, MGT_, PMP_. The problem occurred when a variable has such a reserved identifier in its name E.g.: TOTAL_MyVariable_for_total_items. Here total_ is found at the end of the variable name making the variable inaccessible. This is now fixed.

New: Can use global variables in headers and footer of the report generator

To insert the value of a global variable in headers or footers of the report generator. Just click the new button “Variable” and type the name of the variable as show below:


Notice that figures cannot be formatted in the headers and footers because they are simple texts. So if you need a specific format, create a special variable defined as text and use Excel formulas TEXT() in the overhead workbook to get the desired format.

Change: Tarifeo Article databases – MATERIAL_CostPerUnit, MATERIAL_Rebate

MATERIAL_CostPerUnit now contains the same value as PUBLIC_COST (Prix unitaire). MATERIAL_Rebate now contains the same value as SUPPLIER_REBATE (Remise fournisseur). It means PUBLIC_COST and MATERIAL_CostPerUnit now contain the same values, also SUPPLIER_REBATE and MATERIAL_Rebate. The original MATERIAL_CostPerUnit (Prix d’achat fournisseur) is not available.