Released on January 10, 2023
It was not possible to set the formatting of minutes fields for multiple users. The IMinutesField.SetFormatting method was working only for the current user. A new method overload was added, which allows for specifying multiple users:
SetFormatting(view As EstimateColumnsView, formatting As IColumnFormatting, forUsers As FieldUserScope)
Similarly, the formatting of WBS fields could be changed with IWbsFieldsRepository.UpdateField method for the current user only. A new method overload was added, which allows for specifying multiple users:
UpdateField(field As IWbsField, onlyFormatting As Boolean, forUsers As FieldUserScope)
Moreover, setting the position of a WBS field with IColumnFormatting.ColumnPosition was a complex task, because also the positions of other fields needed to be adjusted manually. Therefore, a new method was added to simplify the task, and again, it allows to do it for multiple users:
IWbsFieldsRepository.SetFieldPosition(field As IWbsField, fieldPlacement As FieldPlacementPosition, referenceField As IWbsField, forUsers As FieldUserScope)