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Released on May 8, 2023

Bug fix: A rare error when displaying the “B.o.Q” tab

In very rare cases, when the user tried to display the “B.o.Q” tab, an error message with the text “SplitterDistance must be between Panel1MinSize and Width - Panel2MinSize” could appear.

Change: ‘Change User Profile’ – Don’t change User Profile (Reindex) for current user

When a user clicks ‘User Profile’ label in QDV Status bar or calls API SetActiveProfile function, there is now no action instead of reloading the User Profile to the same as current one causing re-indexation of the estimate.

Bug Fix: Using ‘Scenario name’ in overhead minute

Using the variables ‘Scenario_Name’ in the formula for quantity of the overhead minute didn’t flag the rows to computed when the scenario was changed.

New: ‘Scenario column’ added to formula for quantity

Because you can apply a scenario to a column which is not the native quantity column, you may want to test this column in the formula for quantity field. For this reason, the Sceanrio_Column’ has been added to the variables accessible from this field.