Released on October 4, 2023
So far, when “propagate formula” was specified for a column in the scenarios window, the formulas typed were propagated to all tasks of the WBS but optional ones. Now they are propagated to all task regardless their optional status.
In the database of sets, if you implement a FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column or a VARIABLES_FOR_SET column, the locale of the system is now taken into account when editing, just as it is done in the minutes. This means that you can type your formula with your current locale and QDV automatically adapts it to English because QDV stores all formulas in English default format.
When inputting references directly in the minutes to import a set, diacritics were not supported: any string with diacritics didn’t import the set. This worked fine for the articles but didn’t for the sets.
The new principle is as follows: If the string (reference or description) doesn't contain any diacritic, it is case-insensitive : 'Abc' = 'ABC' but as soon as the string contains at least one diacritic, it becomes case-sensitive : 'Câble' is not equal to 'câble').