ICallingContext.ActiveEstimateContext Property

Gets the context of the active estimate if any. There may be an active estimate even if the current calling context is for a non-estimate object, such as a database of sets.
ReadOnly Property ActiveEstimateContext() As IEstimateCallingContext
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IEstimateCallingContext ActiveEstimateContext {get;}
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Property Value


The context of the active estimate; or null reference (Nothing in Visual Basic) if there is currently no active estimate opened.

This property is useful for macros in, for example, database of sets. It provides access to the active estimate. This way, for example a macro in a sets database knows into which estimate a set was dropped and into which row and column in the Minutes or WBS. If the current calling context belongs to a macro in an estimate, the ActiveEstimateContext property is set to it (to this instance).
Available since QDV 7.18.0678.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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