IGlobalErrors.GlobalErrorNumber Property

Gets the number of the first global error if any.
ReadOnly Property GlobalErrorNumber() As Integer
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int GlobalErrorNumber {get;}
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Property Value


The global error number that was reported as the first one. Zero if no such global error was reported.

This property can store only one error, so only the first one is stored. If another method reports another global error to this property, this next error is simply lost.

The GlobalErrorMessage and GlobalErrorNumber properties represent a pair which is always set together.

Remember that GlobalErrorMessage and MessageStack are completely independent and they are used by different methods in the API. So to determine whether any global error was reported in the old way, you should test GlobalErrorMessage first. If it is empty, it doesn't mean there was no error. In such a case, you need to test whether MessageStack contains any item.


The following example shows, how to correctly handle errors from IAnalyticReporting.GetDataSource method which uses the old error handling.

' get the data source workbook
 Dim aTools As IAnalyticReporting = Es.CurrentVersion.GetAnalyticReportingTools()
 Dim fields As List(Of FieldForQdvFldConfigFile) = aTools.GetImageOfFieldsForDataSource("C:\data_source_fields.qdvfldconfig", collapsed)
 Dim dataSourceWorkbook As IWorkbook = aTools.GetDataSource(fields, False)
 ' Check the errors, because GetDataSource doesn't throw exceptions.
 If dataSourceWorkbook Is Nothing
     ' an error occurred, get the details
     If Not String.IsNullOrEmpty(Context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.GlobalErrorMessage)
         ' The error is reported in GlobalErrorMessage.
         Dim errText As String = Context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.GlobalErrorMessage
         MessageBox.Show(errText, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
     ElseIf Context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.MessageStack.Count > 0
         ' The error(s) is/are reported in MessageStack, display them all.
         Dim errText As String = ""
         For Each err As String In Context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.MessageStack
             errText &= err & vbCrLf
         MessageBox.Show(errText, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error)
         ' no error details
     End If
 End If					
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IAnalyticReporting aTools = es.CurrentVersion.GetAnalyticReportingTools();
 // Get all available fields for data source and where applicable, set their "All levels" to True.
 IEnumerable<FieldForQdvFldConfigFile> fields = aTools.GetAvailableFieldsForDataSource(useEightLevelsWhereApplicable: true);
 // Now you can customize or remove individual fields, if needed.
 // Save the fields configuration into a qdvfldconfig file. This is an optional step.
 bool collapsed = true;
 aTools.SaveFieldsForDataSource(@"C:\test.qdvfldconfig", fields, collapsed);
 // Create the data source.
 IWorkbook dataSourceWorkbook = aTools.GetDataSource(new List<FieldForQdvFldConfigFile>(fields), collapsed);
 // Check the errors, because GetDataSource doesn't throw exceptions.
 if (dataSourceWorkbook == null)
     // An error occurred, get the details.
     if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.GlobalErrorMessage))
         // The error is reported in GlobalErrorMessage.
         string errText = context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.GlobalErrorMessage;
         MessageBox.Show(errText, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
     else if (context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.MessageStack.Count > 0)
         // The error(s) is/are reported in MessageStack, display them all.
         string errText = "";
         foreach (string err in context.QdvManager.Environment.GlobalErrors.MessageStack)
             errText += err + "\n";
         MessageBox.Show(errText, "Error!", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);
         // No error details.
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Available since QDV 7.21.885.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

In this article
