IMinute.GetFullData Method

Gets the full data of the minute - all rows with all specified fields. It also updates the internal data cache with this data.
Function GetFullData() As DataTable
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DataTable GetFullData()
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Return Value


The data table with all the minute rows containing values for each field. The rows are sorted by the "LineNumber" and the first LineNumber is 1 (the special row 0 with task totals is not included).


The table of objects contains values for all fields in IEstimate.MinutesColumnMappings property that have the IColumnMapping.IncludedForReading property set to true.

Each row in this table is a row of the task's minute. Totals are in row with LineNumber set to 0 but these rows are not included.

The table contains all resolved rows. This means the real minutes rows, i.e. those with a valid LineNumber from 1 to 9999 and also the rows with the sub-articles in referenced sets from DB of estimate. Such sub-articles have LineNumber set to 100000.

This method requires the internal cache to be up to date, which is ususally the case, but there are some exceptions and you need to refresh it manually, see below.

Some methods use the internal cache for retrieving the minutes data. This is for performance reasons, especially, when one minute is accessed multiple times. These are (let's name them group 1): 

And there are some methods that modify the minutes data, but they don't update the internal cache for performance reasons. These are (let's name them group 2): 

So if you use the methods from group 2, you should update the internal cache manually before you call any method from the group 1. The cached data can be updated and retrieved with GetFullData method. You can update the cache also with the IWbs.Refresh method, but is it slower, because it does much more work.

See IMinute documentation for details about hidden "FreeField" field.

function to get info about these tasks. GetMultipleTaskInGanttAssignation field refers to only one task, the function returns a string which contains the unique description of the task. When the TaskInGantt field refers to several tasks, the function returns "<Multi>". Then you have to use the TaskInGantt When the

For historical reasons, this method doesn't throw any exception in case of any error. Instead, the error will be stored as a global error (if it was empty) in IGlobalErrors

Available since QDV 7.13.0001.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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