IWbs.PasteBranchWithoutRefresh Method

Pastes a task or a branch from the internal clipboard quickly and keeps the task tree structure of this IWbs instance in an incorrect state.
Function PasteBranchWithoutRefresh( _ 
ByVal pasteAfterTaskHexId As String, _ 
ByVal pasteToNextLevel As Boolean
) As String
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string PasteBranchWithoutRefresh( 
string pasteAfterTaskHexId
bool pasteToNextLevel 
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The hex ID of the task after which the task or branch from the clipboard is to be copied.


If set to true, then the task or branch will be pasted on the next level (i.e. it will be a subtask of pasteAfterTaskHexId ); otherwise, the pasting will be done on the same level as pasteAfterTaskHexId.

Return Value


The hex ID of the top task of the pasted branch.

Exception type Condition


A problem occurred.


If this method is called from an external client.


Unlike the PasteBranch method, this function doesn't automatically repaint WBS and minutes, nor does it rebuild the task tree. This allows for fast pasting, that can be done multiple times. Once you finish the pasting, you should call IEstimate.CheckAndRepaint method to repaint WBS workbooks. Then you need to call the Refresh method to rebuild the task tree.

Before calling this method, use the CopyBranch method to copy a task or a branch to the clipboard.

This method may be used only from macros, but not from external clients connected via InterfaceQDV.dll. If called from an external client, the NotSupportedException will be thrown.

Available since QDV 7.14.499.

.NET Framework

Supported in: 4.8, 4.7, 4.6, 4.5.2

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