Calculates all non-invariant formulas in the WBS workbook.
Copies a task or a branch to the internal clipboard.
CopyWholeColumnValues(string, string, bool, PositionInWbsBranch)
Copy whole content of a column into another column.
CreateLink(ITask, ITask, bool)
Creates a link between two tasks.
Creates a new sub-task below specified task, at the depth level of the specified task + 1.
Creates a new task below specified task, at the same depth level.
DeleteLink(ITask, ITask)
Deletes the link from a specified task (which is whether a parent or a child of the link) in WBS.
DeleteTask(ITask, bool, bool)
Deletes a task and its content.
Runs the WBS to BOQ distribution to feed the BOQ columns (when WBS to BOQ
distribution columns are implemented).
GetCellValueFromWorkbook(string, string)
Reads a value from any cell in any workbook directly. No need for lock.
GetCellValueFromWorkbook(string, int, int)
Reads a value from any cell in any workbook directly. No need for lock.
Returns the heading of a column in the WBS. Gets the displayed name and the
parent name.
GetColumnPosition(string, bool)
Gets the position of a column in the expanded WBS using its name or its
unique identifier.
GetFullData(bool, LocationOfTotals)
Gets the full data of the WBS.
Gets the parent task for a specified child task, if there's a link between them.
GetReadOnlyCopyOfWorkbook(WorkbookParameters, WbsSheets, bool)
Gets the WBS workbook for read only purposes.
Gets the existing task by its ITask.HexID.
Gets the existing task by its ITask.Guid (not by HexID).
GetTaskFromWorksheetRow(int, bool)
Gets the task to which the specified row in the WBS worksheet belongs.
GetTasksForScope(string, bool)
Gets all tasks within the specified scope.
InsertColumnIntoWorkbook(string, int)
Inserts a new user/free/special column in WBS.
PasteBranch(ITask, bool)
Pastes a task or a branch from the internal clipboard.
PasteBranchWithoutRefresh(string, bool)
Pastes a task or a branch from the internal clipboard quickly and keeps the task
tree structure of this IWbs instance in an incorrect state.
Refreshes (re-reads) the WBS mappings in ColumnMappings property,
updates the tree structure of the tasks in this IWbs instance
and internal cache of WBS and Minutes data.
Refreshes all possible entry lists in the WBS.
Removes all links between tasks in the WBS.
SetColumnBackgroundColor(string, Color, bool)
Sets the background color of a column in the WBS.
SetColumnCopyToQuantityFlag(string, bool)
Defines if values of a WBS column must be copied to WBS_Quantity column when
running progress statements.
SetColumnDescription(int, string)
Sets description of a user/free column in WBS.
SetColumnFormula(string, string, bool)
Sets the formula in a free column of the WBS.
SetColumnTitle(string, string, WbsTitleRowPosition)
Sets the title of a user/free column in WBS.
SetColumnVisibility(int, bool)
Sets visibility of a user/free column in WBS.
SetColumnVisibleMode(string, bool, bool)
Defines if the WBS column is visible in estimate mode or/and in progress mode.
SetFreeFieldValues(string, IDictionary<StringObject>, bool, bool, bool)
Writes values to all cells of a free WBS field. Writes to the WBS workbook and
the database at once.
SetPermissionsOfColumn(int, bool, bool, bool)
Sets permissions to user/free column in WBS.
SetValueToWholeColumn(string, object, bool, PositionInWbsBranch)
Sets a fixed value to all cells of a column.
SumColumnsGlobally(string, string, bool, PositionInWbsBranch)
Sums specified columns and writes the results into another column.