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Released on January 25, 2019

Change: local variables become WBS variables

To bring consistency in the new variables scheme described below, we have changed the name of local variables into WBS variables.


So now, we have:


Global variables (GLV_)

WBS variables (WBV_)

SET variables (SEV_)

New: Variables for sets, global variables in Formula_for_Quantity

We recently added variables at the level of WBS. To complete the scheme, we have also added variables at the level of sets. They are stored in the heading rows of the sets.

We also allowed access to global variables in the formula for quantity column.


The sample Sample_With_Fomula_In_Quantity.qdv has been updated to illustrate this new feature.


So, you can use in formula_for_quantity column:


Global variables

WBS variables

SET variables


The lowest ones have the priority meaning that if a variable, say V1 is defined in the WBS and also defined in the heading of a set, the value of the later will be used in the rows of the considered set.


In this example, we define V1 at the top level of the set (row 2) with the value of 12. When we use it in row 7, its value is 12 as expected. But this row is also the heading of a sub set where V1 is also defined with another value. This means that all rows belonging to this sub set will use that new value (4.5) as seen in row 15.

This principle is also valid for WBS variables and Global variables can also be overwritten by WBS or SET variables.

All variables but WBSs’ can be used also in the database of the estimate and in the overhead minute.


To edit a formula, just edit manually or hit F2:


That displays all available variables with their current values at the location of the cursor. At the top, the SET variables, below are the WBS variables and at the bottom the GLOBAL variables.

For a GLOBAL variable to be visible in that list and usable in quantity formulas, it must start by a dot (.). E.g.: GLV_.MyVariable. If you use regular syntax in its definition (GLV_MyVariable) the variable won’t appear in the list.

This is done to provide a way to identify variables which are accessible in formulas and to speed up the calculation engine: Keep in mind that each time the value of a variable is changed, all rows involving this variable are flagged for calculation.

This can take time in huge estimate so reducing the number of accessible GLOBAL variables saves time knowing that these variables can be automatically changed by the calculation engine when written in the overhead.

The new column VARIABLES_FOR_SETS is a native special column which can be added here in the field’s manager:


It must be used with FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY column but the latter can also be used without VARIABLES_FOR_SETS.