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Released on February 2, 2019

New: Can test area in minutes formulas

A new special field has been added to the fields manager: COREDATABASEOVERHEAD. You can easily add it by creating a new free field in the fields manager, right click the ID and select special column.

This fields matches read-only column where you will find following values:


0 when in the Core area

1 when in the database of the estimate

2 when in the overhead minute


This field can be displayed in core, overhead minute and database of the estimate despite it contains a reference to the WBS. Fields which refers to the WBS cannot be displayed in the database of the estimate because they are forcibly hosting-row oriented.

But this one can be displayed. However, if you create fields which refer to that field, they won't be displayed in the database of the estimate. But you can still use this field in the database of the estimate in the formula for quantity for example.