7.19.0002 - OFFICIAL http://www.iaes-software.com/downloads/Setup_QDV_7_19_2.exe

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7.19.0002 - OFFICIAL http://www.iaes-software.com/downloads/Setup_QDV_7_19_2.exe

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Released on November 21, 2019

Changes are documented in release 7.19.0696 to 7.19.0699 in this document

Bug Fix: Some methods in the user API and some request verbs that manipulate WBS fields did not work for non Admin users 7.19.0698

Bug Fix: Macro function 'Create Gantt Task' improved 7.19.0696

Change: Editing a cell having a FORMULA comment 7.19.0699

Bug Fix: Display issue when migrating columns having a breakdowns 7.19.0699

Bug Fix: Changes not reflected in 'Quantity Per Unit' field for deepest values 7.19.0699