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Released on November 26, 2019

New: Field QUANTITY_FACTOR in the minutes

A new special field has been added to the minutes: QUANTITY_FACTOR which can be used to evaluate losses or gains. This is a column having a special behavior so, as other special columns, it can be inserted from the 'New free field' / 'Special Column' contextual menu.

This new column can receive data everywhere (Minutes, Overhead minute and database of the estimate). This factor influences the quantity directly. Unlike the throughput (Field THROUGHPUT_PACE), this columns can receive data also on hosting rows. It is compatible with all other special fields influencing the quantity such as FORMULA_FOR_QUANTITY, THROUGHPUT_PACE, etc.

The sample named 'Sample_With_Inheritance_Of_Throughput_Pace.qdv' has been extended to illustrate the purpose of the new column.

Bug Fix: WBS breakdown field not immediately editable in WBS after insertion

When a new WBS breakdown field which is editable in WBS (e.g. of type List) was created in WBS, the cells were not directly editable. A 'Check and Repaint' operation was required.

Bug Fix: ‘Database is locked’ when doing 'Check and repaint' after pushing versions

When doing a 'Check and Repaint' operation after pushing a new version/progress in estimates having a database of the estimate, the message 'Database is locked' appeared.

Bug Fix: Changes in Quantity field with deep levels of sets

Changes in quantity field were not immediately reflected in quantity per unit field for depth greater than 7 in the minutes.

Bug Fix: Some WBS breakdown fields could be wrong after upgrading a child estimate to QDV 7.19

The problem occurred when you upgraded a child estimate from version 7.18 or older to the latest QDV version 7.19. If such estimate contained a WBS breakdown field where the "Values to break down" is a minute field that has no breakdown options, E.g.: "/Has reference in BoQ", this WBS field was incorrectly upgraded as a special field (instead of breakdown field).