
Navigation:  7.21 (QDV 2021) >


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Released on January 14, 2021

Bug fix: An error occurred when the background color of a cell in a Description column was changed in Condensed WBS

The color was changed and saved correctly. Just the error message was displayed inappropriately.

Bug Fix: Handling of network paths may fail in macros calls

In all path where one of the following variables are supported:








The paths starting by \\ or // (networked) were badly interpreted; some characters were duplicated, possibly resulting in errors.

Bug fix: Error with estimate having ‘ in file name not supported in some functions

Estimate file having ‘ in name caused ‘SQL logic error’ since August 2020 beta versions in Import Settings’s dialog function.

New: Partnership with NouMa

A new partnership with NouMa. You will find the link in ‘Automation’ / ‘Partner Applications’ menu.

NouMa is a solution to ease search-for-tenders’ operations. In French only so far: https://www.nouma.fr/appels-offres?utm_source=QDV&utm_medium=QDV&utm_campaign=QDV

Bug Fix: Failure in pushing versions could result in nested transaction error

When pushing a version or a progress statement in an estimate normally connected to a management database where this database cannot be accessed could result in a ‘nested transaction’ error.