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Released on January 26, 2021

Bug fix: Errors occurred after pasting a task with many comment rows

A task can have optional ‘comment rows’ that are placed below the first node row.


The expanded WBS sheet got broken after some operations with a task that had more than 100 such comment rows. This happened after:

1.Copy and paste of such task.

2.Removing such task and then performing Undo.

The original rows of the tasks positioned after such pasted task were incorrectly overwritten by the comment rows of the task. If the task were placed close to the bottom of WBS, also the Free area and Options header could be overwritten, and this info was lost forever. Moreover, some error messages were displayed to the user.

Bug fix: Admin couldn't change the "Editable" option in the permissions manager for some WBS fields

This applied to some WBS fields from minutes that had no breakdown options available. This happened, for example, if the referenced field was a free minute-field with "Show in totals" set to a value other than "Nothing" or "Entry allowed" was WBS.

Made it exactly the same as it worked in 7.18.

Bug fix: Custom formatting of the Options header not preserved

Custom formatting of the Options header in Expanded WBS was not preserved after Check and repaint

Bug fix: Opening some corrupted estimates failed with errors

In rare situations, it may happen that Expanded WBS in an estimate could become corrupted. When the user tried to open such estimate, the error message could occur, and the estimate was not loaded correctly. The error message was most likely one of the following:

System.OverflowException: Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.

System.ArgumentException: Invalid row or column index.

Now, even such corrupted estimates are repaired and opened correctly without loss of any data. The only information that could be lost is:

the content of the free area if any (the area between normal and Options tasks), and

the custom formatting of Description column(s) in Options header.

New: Can remove all sources from Import-Settings form at once

A new button let you remove all sources at once from the Import-Settings form.

Change: Loading times dramatically improved in management database

By bringing some changes to the management database structure, we were able to dramatically improve the management database loading operations. It should result in 7 times faster operations on large databases.

Anyway, we remind you that the management database is mostly designed to handle IDIQ contracts, not to be used as central point. For this purpose, consider the installation of ProMo+ instead.